Chapter Eight: Aria

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Luckily I was already prepared for this and immediately knew what to do, so when I saw DR. Sazon in the distance, I opened up a portal and hopped inside, hoping for the best.
However, nothing could prepare me for where I ended up.
The first thing I saw was a mysteriously familiar street.
It didn't take me long to realize that I was back in my hometown.
I saw on a nearby tree there was a paper stapled onto it with my face on it, and on the top of the paper it said: "missing," along with some other information about me.
It was pretty unsettling, and then I saw that it also said, "Reward: 10,000$."
I knew I couldn't stay there.
I had to get out of there fast before anyone recognized me.
If that would happen, I would be in a whole nother problem.
So just as I started to leave, I heard a voice.
"Aria?" I heard someone say.
I turned around and saw that it was one of the social workers at the orphanage.
I got really nervous, but I just stayed quiet.
"Where were you? Everyone was worried sick!"
I didn't respond.
"Nevermind. Let's just go home."
And still not saying much, I followed her back.
When we got back to the orphanage, I could tell people were staring at me, but I just tried my best to just ignore them, then the worker lady brought me to a new room.
The whole time, I was thinking of ways to escape from there, just in case the dude found me again, but then I heard another voice.
"Aria?" I wasn't really paying attention, but I looked up and saw one of my old friends, Adalynn.
"Adi? Uhh, hey, how are you?"
I mumbled, trying to get her to leave.
"What happened to you? Where did you go? Are you ok?!" She asked me.
"It's a long story." I replied. "But I'm fine. Can I just have some time alone now?"
Adalynn nodded, and left the room.
After I was sure she was gone, I shut the door and locked it, then as quickly as I could, I teleported away.
Not gonna lie, I felt a little guilty leaving them again, but that wasn't my main priority now.
Now, I just had to stay alive long enough to figure out what was going on with that guy, and also try to control my powers.
So far, I hadn't been able to answer any of my questions about anything, and I wasn't feeling too great about that, but I guessed that I'd hopefully get to answer at least one soon.
When I teleported, I was expecting to be plopped in another random place in the world, but when I opened my eyes, I was clearly not on earth anymore.
Instead, I was in some sort of weird dimension between worlds, or something.
I was just floating around this weird place with no floor, and it seemed endless.
There were huge black floating rocks there, and things that looked like black holes, but they were doing this strange growing and shrinking motion, and also floating.
Everywhere around me was portal things, and I could swear that I saw like 5 shadowy figures run through them!
The place, wherever I was, was pretty dark and cold, and there were these strange ringing and vibrating sounds that made me feel uneasy.
There were also other portal looking things appearing and disappearing pretty quickly.
I was so confused and scared about where I was, and since I obviously didn't want to be there, I tried teleporting away...but it didn't work.
I tried it again, and found out that none of my powers worked there!
I began to panic even more.
I started to wonder how that could have happened.
Did my powers glitch? Was this supposed to happen? Did DR. Sazon trap me there?!
I started to get really scared, and tried as hard as I could to try to use any of my powers, but nope. Nothing worked.
I thought that I should have just stayed with Adalynn, and maybe this wouldn't have happened.
Now, I had another question to add to the list - where the heck was I?!
And also, how would I get out?
All I could do in that place was move around, and think.
And after what felt like an eternity of doing pretty much nothing, except fit thinking and floating in an endless void, I started to lose hope.
I just kinda accepted the fact that I was never gonna get out and probably die there.
I mean clearly, there was no way to get out.
All I hoped was for DR. Sazon to not be the one who trapped me in here.
I had absolutely no concept of time, the whole time I was there In the void, which made every passing moment feel like an eternity!
I thought that I might also eventually go crazy, having no one to talk to and all, but then I realized that I didn't really talk to people anyways, so I thought that I didn't really have to worry about that.
Then I noticed a huge black rock floating right towards me, and I quickly got out of the way just in time, as it was about to hit me.
I watched it keep going, and it seemed like it was going forever, but I eventually lost track of it as it went more off into the distance.
Not long after, I noticed a bit of light coming from below me, even though it seemed bottomless.
It looked like a large crack was forming in the ground.
Getting even more worried, I began to back away as the ground seemed to be getting more and more full of cracks of light.
Then, the whole floor shattered, and I fell down into the light.

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