Chapter Twenty: Wren

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After we all had left, and we needed to decide what we wanted to do now that we were like, the heroes of the universe, or something like that, I had decided to go back to earth.
When I first arrived, I noticed that my family had an entire search team looking for me.
Oh yeah, my family.
I forgot about those guys.
But after I came back, I explained everything that had happened, and why I needed to leave.
I even showed them the crystal thingy, and told them it was the device that helped me save the world.
I also told them about kylo and Aria and some oft their family drama, but mostly the good parts.
My parents were pretty angry at first, but after I explained that I saved the world, they only grounded me for a day instead of 50 years.
That was pretty nice, I guess.
DR. Sazon had left the world pretty banged up, and apparently he whipped out half of the total world population, leaving about
Some scientist dudes said that it was actually good to decrease the population and stuff, so I guess that was kinda good?
Anyway, the news about me spread quickly, and before I knew it, there were over ten THOUSAND news reports on me!
I was basically a celebrity superhero, and since Kylo and Aria weren't on earth, I pretty much got all the glory!
At one point, my city gifted me with like, a hundred thousand dollars to thank me for saving the world, so I guess you could say that life's pretty good.
I just started eight grade, and I keep telling my parents that superheroes aren't supposed to go to school and have homework, but they still make me go.
Also the crystal thingy is actually now in a huge museum full of the most valuable things like, EVER, and it has its own vault now because some people thought it might somehow fall into the wrong hands or something like that, so now it's kept there.
I have full access to it any time I want though, but other than me, it's super safe.
My new class is pretty cool, I guess, and I would consider them all extremely lucky to be classmates with the kid who had just recently helped to save the world.
Yeah, I guess I'm basically like a world famous superhero/celebrity, and I'm having an awesome time living it!

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