Chapter one: Kylo

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Hi, my name is Kylo, and right now I'm living a pretty good life but life wasn't always like this.
Just a few months ago, I was still living with my father, but most people know him as DR. Sazon.
From what I remember, he was a scientist who started off with good morals, but when he found out how to get superpowers, he became power-hungry, and decided to take over the world.
I'm not exactly sure, though, since he never really talked about life before me.
Anyway, he found out how to get powers before I was born, and implanted them into himself.
And then when I was born, he gave me the superpowers and that's pretty much all I had ever known.
Growing up, I never really knew what he was doing with all his experiments and stuff, and never really questioned him, but one day, I finally figured out his plan.
Apparently, he was working on finding ways to get stronger powers because he was planning on going up into space to destroy the world! 'That's why he gave me the powers,' I thought, because I was helping him destroy the world and I didn't even know it!
I confronted him about it, and told him that I didn't want to help him with his plans, and he flipped.
He grabbed something out of his pocket and held it in front of my face.
"This is a memory eraser chip.
With one click, I can erase your whole life and turn all your memories into dust.
I don't wanna use it, but if you refuse to help me, I will press it and you will be forced to help me."
I knew I was never gonna help him, but I also wasn't powerful enough to defeat him on my own.
So, my third option was to run away.
When he was caught off guard, as fast as I could, I flew out of the lab. He was quick too though, and pushed that button aimed at me.
Luckily I was already far enough so not all of my memories were erased, but the only thing I forgot was how to control my powers.
In mid air, I stopped flying and fell to the ground.
Apparently some bystanders spotted me and alerted the government about me, and I was taken away to a government facility, and I was locked up in a cell.
I still had no idea what was going to happen with my father's plan, but I was pretty scared to say the least.
About two weeks later, I was still locked up but this girl who looked about my age, with long blonde hair and light blue eyes, looking a little scared, came up to my cell. "Who are you?" I asked her.
"What are you doing here?" "Shh! We don't have much time!"
She whispered, while getting something out of her pocket. It was this little black box, and looked exactly like the one at my old lab from when I was a baby.
My dad and I moved when I was three because we needed more room for his inventions, but I still remember some of the older things from there.
Then she pressed a button, and out of the front hole in the box came a green laser, and she cut the bars on the cell, and let me free.
She gestured for me to come with her, and I was hesitant at first, but I followed her, and she led me outside.
I thanked her, then she pressed another button, and it opened a portal, then she hopped in and teleported away. That whole thing was a blur though, and it all happened so fast.
I didn't even know her name! But I knew it wasn't safe for me to be out in the open.
After my memory was erased, I forgot how to use all of my powers, so I had to basically relearn them all.
So, when I wanted to fly away, I squeezed my eyes, and tried to do whatever it is you're supposed to do when you fly away, and I guess something went right, and I was floating.
I flew into space, and surprisingly, I could breathe!
I had forgotten what powers I had, so all of the new things I discovered were all pretty cool.
I flew as fast as I could, away from earth, and ended up on this planet called Lyrona, in another galaxy about 5,000,000 light years away from the Milky Way galaxy.
I thought that would be far enough to practice my powers, and eventually become good enough to stop my father before he destroyed the world.
But I would have to be fast, I didn't know what he was doing back on earth, but it probably wouldn't be something good.
After just a few days on the planet, I started discovering more and more powers.
I would usually discover new abilities at least every day, or more.
One of the first ones I had discovered was the Taltanus light, which is basically a light I can make with my eyes when I stare at someone else's eyes for a long time, and it pretty much permanently blinds them forever.
Don't ask how I discovered that one.
But another one I had discovered a bit later on was the Zacruze Shock, where in a situation where I would put my hands in the shape of a triangle, and it would produce an electric shock that would zap, and stun anything or anyone that would come too close.
I discovered that one when I needed to sneeze, and accidentally put my hands like a triangle, and it zapped some nearby space rocks, and the falling stars stopped moving.
It was pretty cool, not gonna lie but after I would discover these abilities, I would practice them over and over again using dead space rocks and falling stars for target practice.
I planned on eventually mastering all my powers, then going back to earth and stopping DR. Sazon from destroying it.
It didn't take long to adapt to that lifestyle, and also kinda grew to enjoy it.
At about a week living there, I started to get this really uneasy feeling, as if I was being watched.
I just tried to brush it off, and just assumed I was paranoid, but the feeling still didn't go away.
"Hello?" I called out. "Is anyone there?" But no answer. Only a few hours passed, until I saw him.
My father had just found me, and looked incredibly angry.
I hadn't seen him for weeks now, and was honestly quite intimidated, but I got powered up just in case he would do anything, but then he called out to me, "Kylo, you traitor of a son!
I'm a hundred times more powerful than you will ever be. I should just kill you now, but I'll give you a second chance to join me."
Of course, I was never going to join him, but I replied hesitantly back to him, "I will never join you."
I already knew exactly what he was going to do, so right before he blasted me, I flew away as quickly as I could, and he just ended up exploding Lyrona.
As I was flying, I could hear him chasing after me, but I didn't look back.
I just kept on flying, until I eventually lost him. Now, I was in a new, completely different galaxy.

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