Chapter 1 - Recruitment

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Laine's POV
As I came back from my usual morning run, I noticed a silver Camaro in my driveway. A familiar face exited the driver's seat. Steve McGarrett. Someone else whom I had never met got out of the passenger seat. He was almost a foot shorter than Steve with dirty blond hair. I smiled and embraced Steve. I hadn't seen him in almost a year.

"Steve McGarrett, it's great to see you again. What brings you here?" I asked. Steve shrugged.

"My partner and I want to know if you would like to join our task force." Steve replied. I frowned.

"Oh really? Who is this partner of yours anyway? Never met him before."

"Guess I didn't mention that. Sergeant Laine Parker, meet Detective Danny Williams." Steve replied. I reached out my hand and Danny shook it.

"Nice to meet you, Danny. Out of curiosity, why do you wear a tie?" I asked. Danny laughed.

"I just like to be formal. Been wearing the same thing to work since I lived in Jersey. I don't know why everyone has to judge me for it." Danny replied.

"Sorry. It's just that no one wears a tie in Hawaii. Although, you do pull off that look. Don't think Steve could." I teased. Danny nodded.

"Thank you. Never had anyone say that to me. And you are absolutely right. Steve can't pull it off." Danny explained. I rolled my eyes.

"Ok. Don't get a big head on your shoulders. I was just trying to be nice."

"So what do you say, Laine. You wanna join Five-O?" Steve asked as he showed me a crisp badge with Hawaii Five-O written on it.

"Well, since you have the badge with you and everything, I guess I'll join." I said with a smile. Steve smiled as he handed me the badge.

"It's a good thing you said yes because we've got a case to work on." Steve said. I nodded.

"Great. I'll be right back. Just have to get changed and make coffee. You guys want coffee?" I asked. Steve shook his head, but Danny nodded. "Ok. How do you like your coffee?"

"I'd like some cream in my coffee if you don't mind?"

"You got it."

I went inside and changed into a t-shirt and jeans. I clipped my holster and badge onto my belt and pushed my gun into the holster. I brewed the coffee, making enough for both Danny and I. I filled two travel mugs with coffee and walked outside. I handed Danny his coffee and got in the back of his Camaro.

"Thanks Laine. I completely forgot to make my coffee this morning."

"Yeah. Thanks. Maybe he won't be so grumpy today." Steve teased. I laughed.

"Well, you're welcome for the coffee, Danny. And also for saving you from Danny becoming grumpy, Steve." I replied as Steve pulled out of my driveway.

Danny's POV
I left my empty cup of coffee in the Camaro and walked up to the crime scene. Laine followed right behind me. Steve was already ahead of us.

We walked up to Max as Steve snapped on a pair of rubber gloves.

"What have we got Max?"

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