Chapter 10 - Jail Break

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Grace's POV
I sat on the couch in Uncle Steve's office reading a book. I missed Danno and hoped he was okay.

Uncle Steve had been working on some things for a little while. He stood up from his desk and walked over to me.

"I'm starving. What about you Gracie?" He asked. I shrugged.

I hadn't really been paying attention to my hunger till now. I was starving.

"Great. You want pizza for lunch?"


"Ok. I'll order one cheese and a ham and pineapple. How does that sound?" Uncle Steve asked. I shrugged.

"Sounds great."


Uncle Steve called the pizza place down the street and asked them to deliver it to the palace.

A few minutes later, the pizza arrived. Uncle Steve set it down on his desk. I got up from the couch and walked over to his desk. I grabbed two slices and put them on a plate.

Uncle Steve sat back in his chair and ate his pizza. As I nibbled on mine, I looked over at my uncle. He smiled.

"Uncle Steve, do you think Danno and Laine are okay?" I asked.

"Of course, Gracie. And I know we'll find them."

"Does Danno love Laine?"

That was the burning question that had been on my mind since the moment I met Laine. She seemed really nice and Danno had really liked her.

Although a part of me never wanted Danno to fall in love with someone other than my mom, I knew that anything between my mom and and dad was over. My mom had Stan and now my dad would have Laine.

Uncle Steve was hesitant about answering, but I already knew the answer.

"He does, doesn't he?" I asked. Uncle Steve nodded.

"Yeah. He does. And Grace, you should except it. Laine is a good person who will love you just as much your mom and dad love you. Sure, she's not your mom, but she will try to be."

Uncle Steve was right. Laine was nice and she would try her very best to be a mother to me. But, as Uncle Steve said, Laine would never be just like my mom.

Steve's POV
I had to find Danny and Laine soon. Grace was torn to pieces about Danny being gone and I couldn't stand it.

I called the governor and asked him about the heroin we confiscated. He told me that we were not allowed to give it to Darren Motter. He told us to find another means to get Danny and Laine back.

I left my office and Kono and Chin looked up at me. I sighed.

"The governor won't let us use the heroin to get Danny and Laine back so we've got to find them before their time is up." I said. Chin sighed.

"What if we make a decoy?" Kono asked. I frowned.

"I don't knowing that would work." Chin muttered. I shrugged.

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