Chapter 8 - Kidnapped

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Laine's POV
I could almost not believe my luck. I had found something that could really help with our investigation.

"Danny look! I found something that'll help with the case." I almost shouted in my excitement. Danny walked over and sat down next me.

"What'd you find?" He asked. I showed what was on my computer to him.

"I was searching around and I found that Darren Motter owns this warehouse. He could be storing his drugs there." I explained. Danny nodded.

"That's great. We should show Steve."

We left Danny's office and went into Steve's. He looked up when we came in.

"Hey guys. What do you have for me involving our case?" Steve asked. I set my computer down on Steve's desk and showed him the warehouse.

"Darren Motter owns this warehouse right outside of Honolulu. I think it's where he keeps his drugs." I explained. Steve nodded.

"Ok. Good. I'll tell Kono and Chin about this and then we'll get a raid party set up. Thanks Laine, this is just the lead we're looking for." Steve said with a nod. I smiled.

"Yep. Come on Danny. Let's gear up."

Danny and I put on vests over top our shirts and put extra ammo for our guns in a pocket of the vests. We made sure that our guns were fully loaded and inserted them back into their holsters.

Danny's POV
We stood at the side entrance of the warehouse. Steve stood a few feet in front of Laine and I, his gun at the ready.

"We go in on my mark. Three, two, one, go." Steve said as he kicked in the door.

As we entered, men began to shoot at us. I gunned down at least three. Steve got a majority of them, but we were still able to bring one in for questioning. We also found large bags of fine powder which was most likely heroin. Our only problem was that Darren Motter wasn't there.

Steve paced back and forth in front of our suspect, his patience running thin. Mine had grown thin too. This guy just wouldn't talk.

"Just tell us where your boss is! That's all we want to know!" Steve shouted.

"I don't know where he is, honest. I work for him, but I don't exactly know where he is, ok?"

"That's helpful. You know, you better be telling the truth because it would be really bad if you're not." I said as I walked out of the interrogation room.

"Ok. Something tells me he actually doesn't know anything so we're stuck. Got any ideas?" I asked. Steve shook his head.

"No. We should probably call it quits for tonight. Tomorrow we can try and wrap this up." He replied. I groaned.

Sunday was usually my day with Grace and now it was ruined because this stupid case. Just as we got upstairs, my phone rang. It was Grace's friend Megan's mother.


"Danny, hi. I was wondering if maybe Grace could sleepover at our house tonight. The girls have been having so much fun and Megan really wants her to stay the night."

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