Chapter 7 - Face Your Fears

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Danny's POV
I liked spending time with Laine, but reading up on suspects was awful. I don't mind reading for pleasure sometimes, but this was boring.

Laine seemed a little bored too, but she was also listening to music so she was content. Listening to music makes anything more fun. At least that's Grace says when she cleans her room with her headphones in, listening to music.

"Bored, Danny?" Laine asked, looking up from her work. I shrugged.

"Yeah. A little."

"Me too."

I sat there, thinking. Steve wanted me to express my feelings to Laine. I wanted to, but right now wasn't the best time. I looked down at my watch and smiled. It was already almost twelve o'clock. Time flew by at work.

"Hey Laine, why don't we put a hold on work for now and go out for lunch." I suggested. Laine smiled.

"Um, sure. Where should we go?"

"I was gonna suggest Kamekona's, but I know you had shrimp yesterday."

"I don't care if we get Kamekona's. Shrimp is one of my favorite foods. Let's go." Laine said with a smile. I smiled back.

As we walked out of my office, Steve stepped in front of us.

"Hang on, where are you guys going?" He asked. Laine rolled her eyes.

"We're going to Kamekona's for lunch if that's okay with you." She replied casually. Steve shrugged.

"Ok. Bring me back some lunch."

"You got it." Laine said with a nod.

We took the elevator to the first floor and got in my Camaro once we were in the parking lot. I started it up and drove to Kamekona's. I pulled into a parking spot and we got out of the car. Laine sat down at a table and I joined her.

"Do you know what you want to eat? I'll pay for it." I offered. Laine smiled. I loved that smile so much.

"Awww. You're sweet Danny. I'll take the shrimp salad." She replied. I nodded.

"You got it."

I walked up to the window and removed my wallet from my pocket. Kamekona walked up to me and smiled.

"Jersey, what're you doin back here? Got more questions for me?"

"No. I'm out for lunch with Laine."

"Ah. Takin the girl out for a date, huh?" Kamekona said, raising his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes.

"You could say that. Now, can I have a shrimp salad, the grilled shrimp, and two waters, please." I asked. Kamekona nodded.

"Sure thing. $15.20."

"Seems a little low."

"Well, I did sucker you out of giving me fifty bucks this morning so it's the least I could do." Kamekona said with a smile. I raised an eyebrow.

"I've never heard you say anything like that before. There's gotta be a catch. What is the catch?"

"Ok, ok. McGarrett told me about you liking Laine so I want you to tell her how you feel. That's the catch." 

"Ok. And if I don't tell her?"

"I owe Steve fifty bucks."

"And that affects me how?" I asked. Kamekona shrugged.

"I don't know. I just don't want to give him any of my money." He replied. I rolled my eyes as I took our food tray from Kamekona.

Laine's POV
Danny set down our tray of food and I took my salad and bottle of water off of it. Danny took his shrimp and bottle of water.

Danny was silent while we were eating. I wondered why he was so quiet. He was usually very talkative when he was with me.

"Danny, is something wrong?" I asked.

"No. I'm ok. I was just thinking about the case. That's all." Danny replied. I frowned.

I could tell that something was bothering him but I wasn't sure what it was. He looked as though he had something important to tell me.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'm sure," Danny muttered. I sighed and nodded.

"Ok. Ready to go back to the palace?"

"Sure. Let's go,"

Danny's POV
I couldn't believe that I had not said anything. That I had not told Laine about my feelings for her. I could already hear what Steve would say when I got back to the palace. The words were playing over and over again in my mind.

When we had entered through the doors of headquarters, I looked a little guilty and Steve saw it immediately.

"Danny, can I talk to you in my office please?" Steve asked. I shrugged.


As soon as I had shut the door, Steve started his rant.

"I was hoping for you to come back and tell me that the two of you were now dating or something but you come back looking guilty. It's safe to assume that you didn't go through what you said you would do," Steve explained. I sighed.

"Steve, I panicked. After losing Rachel again, I was afraid to go through losing someone again." I replied, holding back tears. Steve nodded.

"I understand, Danny, but Laine has had her heart broken too. She understands exactly how you're feeling. It's ok to express your feelings towards her. Even if it doesn't work out between you two, that's okay. It happens to a lot of people. It takes long time for some to find the right person for them," Steve explained. I nodded.

"You're right. Thanks, Steve."

I left Steve's office, thankful to have such a good friend who I could consider my brother.

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