Chapter 4 - She's as Crazy as Steve

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Laine's POV
As Danny pulled up to the Iolani Palace, I let Grace out of the back seat and we all walked into the building.

We took the elevator to our floor and went inside headquarters. Steve practically ran towards Grace as we entered through the doors.

"Gracie!" He shouted. Grace smiled and gave Steve a big hug.

"Hi Uncle Steve!"

"I almost forgot that you were staying with Danno for the week since your mom's away." Steve explained. Grace nodded. After greeting Grace, Steve started to walk out the door.

"Hey Steve. Where are you going?" I asked.

"Interrogation room. Kevin Thomas is giving Chin and Kono some trouble so I'm gonna step in." Steve explained.

"Can I come with you?"

"Um, sure." Steve replied. I followed him out the door and into the elevator. Steve pressed the first floor button. Once we got to the first floor, we walked down the stairs to the basement.

Just before we went into the interrogation room, I could here Kono shouting at the suspect. Steve opened the door and Kono looked up from what she was doing.

"Oh hey boss. He's all yours." Kono muttered as she walked out the door, Chin following right behind her.

"Kevin Thomas, I hear that you're giving my team members a hard time and I want to know why." Steve said. Kevin shrugged.

"If I say anything to you, he'll kill me." Thomas muttered. Steve frowned.


"I can't tell you that."

Steve's POV
This guy was really getting on my nerves. I just wanted him to talk, but he wouldn't. I could see it was driving Laine nuts too.

"Just talk to us." Laine pleaded. Kevin shook his head.

Then Laine did something that I wasn't expecting. She pulled Kevin up from the chair and grabbed his arm. She spun him around and brought him almost to his knees. I had used that same hold on Danny when we first met because I was mad at him. One wrong move and Laine could break this guy's arm.

"If you move, I'll break your arm. Tell us what we want to know now!" Laine shouted.

"You can't break my arm. You're a cop." Kevin said. Laine chuckled.

"I'm not a cop. I'm a former Navy SEAL. And I have the immunity and means, giving me permission to do whatever I want. So, tell us what we want to know." Laine snapped.

"Ok, ok. I'll talk. Just let me go. This is starting to hurt." Kevin begged. Finally, Laine let go of his arm and he sat back down in the chair.

"Look, the reason I was fired wasn't because I was stealing. It was because I saw something I wasn't supposed to." Thomas started to explain. Laine frowned.

"What did you see that was so bad?"

"I was cleaning right outside of Mr. Harrison's office and I saw him talking to his brother Flik. Flik was telling him about the drugs he sold to make more money. He asked Mr. Harrison if he wanted to sell drugs with him, but he turned him down. It really made Flik mad and he stormed out. Mr. Harrison left right after him and saw me. He asked me if I wouldn't call the cops and I said I wouldn't, but he fired me anyway, saying that he had caught me stealing." Kevin explained.

I nodded and pulled Laine outside of the room. Kono was out there waiting for us.

"What did he tell you?" She asked. I frowned.

"He just told us that Flik Harrison is a drug dealer and that might be the reason why Mark is dead." I replied. Laine nodded.

"And we learned that Kevin Thomas was actually fired because he saw something he wasn't supposed to see." Laine said. Kono frowned.

"Ok, so Flik could be our killer?"

"Maybe. I mean, he's our only lead." Laine replied.

As we walked back upstairs, I decided that the team should go home, eat dinner, and get some rest. I myself was getting hungry and knew everyone else was too.

After I debriefed everyone, I sent them home since it was getting late. We needed to be awake and alert to hopefully finish this case tomorrow.

Danny's POV
As I drove Grace home, I thought about my options for watching Grace tomorrow. I wondered if maybe one of Grace's friends' parents could watch her tomorrow. I just didn't want to bring her to the palace again. I knew it had to be boring for her.

I dialed one of her good friends' home phone's number and waited for her parents to answer.

"Hello?"  A female voice said. I guessed it was Grace's friend Megan's mother.

"Hi. This is Danny Williams, Grace's father."

"Oh yes, Danny, sorry. I had completely forgot what your number was."

"That's fine. Look, I know it's short notice and I don't mean to intrude or anything, but I was wondering if maybe Grace could stay at your house tomorrow. I have an important case I'm working on so I have to come into work tomorrow." I explained.

"Yes. Of course. I don't mind at all. Megan would be happy to see Grace. What time will you be coming?"

"Around nine if that's okay."

"That's fine. When Grace comes, she should bring her swimsuit and a towel. We have a pool and we might go to the beach tomorrow too."

"Sounds great. I really appreciate you doing this, thank you."

"Don't mention it." The woman said as I hung up. Grace looked up at me and frowned.

"Who were you talking to?" She asked. I smiled.

"While I'm at work tomorrow, you're going to be staying at Megan's house." I replied. Grace smiled.



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