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Six Months Later

Laine's POV
I held Danny's hand tightly in mine as we walked down the beach behind my house.

"The water looks so beautiful when the sun's going down. I just love the sunsets in Hawaii," I muttered with a smile, letting go of Danny's hand as I stared off at the pretty sunset.

As I turned around, I was met with Danny down on one knee with a ring box open.

My eyes grew wide and I placed my hand over my mouth in shock, dropping my sandals on the sand in front of me.

"Laine Emily Parker, will you marry me?" Danny asked with a smile.

"Yes!" I said as tears spilled down my cheeks and I gave Danny a big kiss on the lips.

As I pulled away, Danny slid the beautiful diamond engagement ring on my finger.

Just as he finished placing the ring on my finger, our best friend, Steve McGarrett came out of nowhere and began taking pictures.

"Steve? What're you doing here?" I asked, kind of laughing as Steve stopped taking photos.

"Danny wanted us to take photos of your engagement without being seen," Steve replied with a shrug. I frowned.


"Yeah. Kono and I are also here," Chin said as he jogged over to us on the beach and Kono came over to us with her surfboard under her arm.

"We all used our detective and military skills to camouflage ourselves and take photos." Steve said proudly. "Now smile so I can get some good pictures of you guys."

I rolled my eyes at Steve but began posing with Danny for a few more decent pictures. Kono, being the youngest on the team, was the best at taking pictures compared to Steve and Chin.

When we got back to my house, I pulled Danny close to me and gave him another kiss.

If there was one thing for sure, I was excited for this new chapter of my life with Danny.

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