Chapter 9 - Ransom

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Steve's POV
I pulled up to Danny's house. I wanted to borrow his coffee maker. Mine was broken. And we were gonna carpool to work.

As I walked up to the door, I noticed that it was ajar. I got out my gun and pushed the door the rest of the way open. I called Danny's name, hoping he'd answer, but no such luck.

As I made my way over to the kitchen and then to the screen door, I found Danny's gun on the floor and the screen door partially open. I called Chin's cell.


"Chin, Danny's been kidnapped."


"Yeah. Danny's been taken and it looks like Laine might have been as well. I found her purse on the coffee table and I also found two wine glasses and bowls for ice cream. They were both here and both taken." I explained. Chin sighed.

"Ok. I'll call Kono and we'll go to the palace. Unless you need our help at Danny's house."

"No. I should be fine. I'll be at the palace in a few." I said as I hung up. I snapped on a pair of gloves and roamed around Danny's house. I looked in Grace's room and it occurred to me that I should go pick Grace up from her friend's.

As I wandered back into the living room, I found Danny's phone. It was wedged between the couch cushions. It must have fell out of his back pocket.

I looked through Danny's phone for Grace's number, not knowing what Grace's friend's home phone number was. I waited as it rang. Finally, Grace answered.

"Hello? Danno?"

"Gracie, this is Uncle Steve. May I talk to your friend Megan's mother, please?" I asked.

"Um sure." Grace muttered.


"Hi. I'm Commander Steve McGarrett from the Hawaii Five-O task force. I'm also Grace's uncle."

"Ok. Why are you calling?"

"Ma'am, Grace's father Danny was kidnapped and I'd like to come pick her up from your home if you don't mind." I explained. The woman sighed.

"Yes. Of course. What should I tell Grace about this?"

"Tell her I'll explain what's going on when I get there, ok?"


"Thanks. I'll be there in a few minutes." I said as I hung up. I called Kono and asked her to get CSU down to Danny's house to search for prints and anything else that could be useful.

Then I got in my truck and drove to Grace's friend's house. When I got there, Grace looked worried. As soon as she was in my truck, she looked over at me, most likely wanting to know where Danny was and why I was picking her up from her friend's.

"Where's Danno?" Grace asked. I sighed.

"Gracie, Danno was kidnapped and I thought it'd be best if I picked you up from your friend's. I'm sorry I cut your play date short." I explained. Grace shrugged.

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