Chapter 3 - Partnered Up

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Laine's POV
Danny was nice and I had wanted to talk more, but we had to get back to work. I looked out the window of Danny's office and saw Kono and Chin speaking with Steve.

Kono and Chin had been back for a little while and Kevin Thomas was giving them a hard time. He just wouldn't talk to them. At some point, Steve would have to step in. His persuasion methods were more effective.

A part of me really wanted to talk to Kevin Thomas myself but Kono and Chin had taken him into custody so they were the ones to interview him.

Danny and I were doing a little more research to see if we could find something about our victim's brother. We were also doing some research on Harrison's company.

Danny's POV
"Danny, I'd like you and Laine to go to Flik Harrison's house to ask him some questions." Steve said as he leaned into my office. I frowned.

"But it's the middle of the day. He's probably at work."

"Yeah. Which means we'll most likely be talking with his wife." Laine replied. I shrugged.

"Better than nothing."

As I got in the driver's seat of the car, I smiled. No Steve to force me to the passenger seat. It was bliss.

"Happy you get to drive for once?" Laine asked with a smile, snapping me back to reality. I nodded.

"Uh yeah. No control freak in this car today." I said as I started up the car. Laine laughed.

"You know, when Steve and I were in school,...." Laine started.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. You guys went to school together too?" I asked. Laine laughed.

"Yeah. I forgot to mention that earlier. Sorry. Now, pay attention. When Steve and I were in school, he always wanted to be in the head chef, the team captain, the boss. You know what I mean?" Laine explained. I nodded.

"Yep. Steve is an absolute control freak and apparently he's been like that since grade school." I muttered. Laine nodded.



Laine knocked on the Harrison's door when we got there. A woman answered it which is what we had assumed would happen.

"Hi, Mrs. Harrison. I'm Detective Danny Williams and this is my partner, Sergeant Laine Parker. We're with Hawaii Five-O." I explained. Mrs. Harrison frowned.

"And what can I do for you?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"Mrs. Harrison, your brother in law was murdered late last night. Did you know about this?" Laine asked. Mrs. Harrison shook her head.

"No. I had no idea. Is that why you're here?" She asked. Laine nodded.

"We would just like to ask you a few questions concerning your husband."

"Of course. Flik is at work at the moment, but I'm here."

"Ok. Mrs. Harrison, did your husband have a good relationship with his brother?" I asked. Mrs. Harrison shrugged.

"I don't know. We don't see him much. And please, call me Emily. I hate being called Mrs. Harrison. It makes me feel old." She explained

"Then I would guess that they are not on good terms."

"I suppose. Flik was always mad that his parents had given Mark the company. Flik had wanted the company more than Mark apparently had."

"Mrs. Harris - Emily, do you think he would kill his brother to take over the company?" Laine asked. Mrs. Harrison's eye brows furrowed.

"What?! No! Flik and Mark didn't have a good sibling relationship, but he would never kill his brother. At least, I don't think so."

"What do you mean, I don't think so? It's a yes or no question." I said. Emily bit her lip, unsure what to say.

"Two days ago, Flik randomly started flipping out about his brother and how he was more successful, but that he shouldn't be. Flik said that he deserved the company and not his brother, but I didn't think he would go kill his brother over that." She explained. I nodded.

"Ok. Thank you, Emily. Please call if you have anything else." I said as I handed her my card. She nodded and placed the card on the coffee table.

We left the house and got back in my car. As we drove back, I noticed a frown starting to form on Laine's lips.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked. Laine sighed.

"I don't know. It's just that I feel as though there was more to Emily Harrison's story." Laine muttered. I nodded.

"You're probably right, but this is all we've got for now."

"Yeah. I...." As Laine started to talk, my phone began to ring. I answered it. It was my daughter Grace.

"Hey Monkey, what's going on?" I asked with a smile. Then my face fell. I was supposed to pick Grace up from school because Rachel and Stan had gone away for a business trip.

"I'm so sorry Grace, I completely forgot that your mom and Stan were away. I'm on my way now. See you in a bit. Bye." I said as I hung up. Laine looked over at me.

"What was that about?"

"Rachel and her husband are away for a business trip and I'm watching Grace for the week, but I forgot about it and I need to pick her up from school. So we're taking a quick detour." I explained as I did a u-turn in the middle of the road.

Laine put both of her hands on the dash to keep herself in place as I drove down the road at top speed. I felt almost guilty for driving the way Steve always did. Fast and reckless.

I parked in front of Grace's school and walked over to her.

"Hi Grace, I'm so sorry about this. I just lost track of time. Anyway, how was school?" I asked. Grace shrugged.

"It was okay."

"Okay? And why is that?"

"It's school so it's not fun." Grace replied. I nodded.

"That's true."

As we got to the car, Laine got out of the passenger seat so that Grace could get in the back. Grace frowned when she saw Laine.

"Who are you?" Grace asked. Laine smiled.

"I'm Laine Parker. I work on the Five-O task force with your dad and Uncle Steve. Your dad and I were driving back to work when you called." Laine replied. Grace nodded.

"Cool. It's nice to meet you."

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