Chapter 11 - No Hearts Will be Broken Again

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Laine's POV
Danny exited his office and stood next me at the central computer.

"Ok guys. Would you be able to find the place where you were being held?" Steve asked. I nodded.

"Yeah. I can map out the location if you'd like?"


I began to map it out with the help of Danny. When we finally had a location in place, we were able to go arrest our suspect.

"Ok, someone needs to stay here with Grace so she's not alone. The rest of us will go to the location with HPD to arrest Motter." Steve explained.

"I'll stay here with Grace." Kono offered. Steve nodded.

"Ok. Chin, Danny, and Laine go gear up. I'll be with you in a minute."

After we all geared up, we drove to our location. At the location, we split up and waited for the go ahead from Steve.

When he gave us the go ahead, we went inside and shot down numerous men who were shooting at us.

I located Darren Motter and ran after him. As I rounded a corner, he shot me in my left shoulder. I fell down to the ground as Darren kept running.

Danny saw me fall. His face paled as he ran toward me.

"Laine!" He shouted. Danny ran toward me and pressed his hands into my shoulder to put pressure on the wound. "Steve! Call an ambulance, Laine's down!"

Steve ran over to us and knelt down next to me.

"Ambulance is on its way here. It's gonna be okay Laine, I promise." He said. I smiled weakly.

"Steve, Danny, we got Motter!" Chin called. Steve got up and followed Chin.

"Where's he going?" I asked. Danny smirked.

"If I know Steve, and I do, he's probably gonna go beat that guy for hurting you." Danny replied. I laughed and then winced. It hurt a little to laugh.

Danny looked into my eyes, still looking worried but also looking as though he had something to say.

"Laine, I have something to say to you." He muttered. I smiled.

"What do you wanna say?"

"I'm just gonna warn you that I'm not very good at talking to women, first of all. Second of all, I love you, Laine Parker. I was scared to say it before but now I am ready to say it. I want to be your boyfriend. I want someone who can be like a second mother to my daughter. I want to..."

I leaned forward and gave Danny a kiss on the lips, stopping him mid sentence. As we pulled away, he smiled in excitement.

"I love you too, Danny Williams." I whispered, wincing slightly again from the pain in my shoulder.

When the ambulance arrived, Danny got in the back with me, his hand in mine on the way to the hospital.

Steve's POV
I walked up to Darren Motter and pinned him against the wall in anger.

Two Broken Hearts Made Whole || Danny WilliamsWhere stories live. Discover now