Chapter 5 - Is Danno Your Type?

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Laine's POV
Steve drove me home from the palace since I didn't drive myself to work that morning.

"Thanks for driving me home. I really appreciate it." I said. Steve nodded.

"Don't mention it. Oh, I was wondering if maybe I could join you for your run tomorrow morning. And maybe Grace can come with us too."

"Sure. I'd love that. Wait, Grace likes running?"

"Yeah. She loves running. I've taken her running once or twice since Danny won't."

"Great. Is 7:30 in the morning okay for tomorrow?"

"Sounds fine. I just have to confirm that with Danny."

"Then confirm."

"Um ok." Steve replied as he dialed Danny's number. He put it on loud speaker and waited for Danny to answer.

"Williams." Danny muttered over the phone.

"Hey Danny, Laine and I were wondering if Grace would like to go for a run with us tomorrow morning."

"Uh, what time? I have to drop Grace off at a friend's around nine."

"We said about 7:30. That work for you?"

"I guess so. But you'll have to come pick her up."

"That's fine. See you later Danny."

"Ok. Bye." Danny said as he hung up on Steve. I nodded.

"Perfect. So I guess I'll see you and Grace tomorrow at 7:30 then." I said as I got out of Steve's truck and walked up to my house.


The next morning, I got up early and changed into a running outfit. Just as I was tying my running shoes, Steve rang the doorbell.

"It's open!" I called. I had left the door unlocked so that Steve and Grace could just come in.

Steve opened the door with Grace by his side, both of them clad in their running outfits.

"Ready to go?" Steve asked.

"Yep." I replied as I finished tying my shoes and got up from the floor.

I started running out the door to try and get a head start. Steve ran ahead of me in no time. I slowed down so that Grace could keep up.

"So why do you call your dad Danno?" I asked, attempting to make conversation with Grace. Grace shrugged.

"When I was little, I tried to say my dad's name, but I messed it up and called him Danno. Ever since then, I've called him it." She explained. I smiled.

"That's incredibly cute." I said. Grace smiled back.

"Laine, are you and Uncle Steve dating?" Grace asked. I shook my head.

"No, no. Your Uncle Steve and I are just friends. We tried to date, but it didn't work out because we realized that we're more like siblings then lovers. And plus, Steve's not really my type." I explained. Grace nodded.

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