Chapter 2 - More in Common Than You Think

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Danny's POV
"Danny, why don't you like Hawaii?" Laine asked as we drove to our suspect's address. I shrugged.

"I was never big on beaches. I like cities better. I mean, I grew up in Newark." I replied. Laine frowned.

"Yeah, but that's still New Jersey. I mean, didn't you ever go to the beaches near your house? Newark is nice and all, but Wildwood is beautiful." Laine said. I nodded.

"Sure. Wait, how do you know what Newark and Wildwood look like? I would assume that someone like you would have never been there. I mean, people who live here normally don't go anywhere else. That's what Steve says anyway." I explained.

"Listen, it might seem like I've lived here my whole life, but I was born in New Jersey. I lived in Wildwood. We had family who lived in Newark." Laine explained.

"Really?! How old were you when your family moved to Hawaii?"

"I was about eight or nine years old. My mom moved us here because my dad was murdered back in Jersey. There were too many bad memories at our old home so she brought my sister and I here. And I've been here ever since." Laine replied. I frowned.

"I think I heard about that. I was just a kid, but I had heard through my parents. They wouldn't let me or any of my siblings go anywhere by ourselves for months. Jersey can be dangerous." I replied. Laine nodded.

"I know what you're talking about."

We pulled up to the suspect's home and got out of the car. We stood on either side of the door and knocked.

"Hawaii Five-O! We'd just like to talk to you!" I called. When there was no response, I kicked in the door. A man ran out the back door, fear in his eyes.

"Why do they always have to run?" I whined as Laine ran past me after the suspect.

"Pull the car around to cut him off!" Laine shouted as she rounded the corner, in hot pursuit of the suspect.

As I pulled over to the side of the road, I watched Laine grab the man and shove him into the concrete. She cuffed him and picked him up off the ground. I opened the passenger side door and Laine pushed the man into the back seat. She smiled and I couldn't help but fall in love with a smile that could light up the room.

"Nice job. Great performance. I just hate running so with you along, I don't have to worry about catching anyone." I said with a laugh.

"Do you hate everything that's fun? Hold on, do you like surfing?"

"Uh, I've never surfed before actually. Maybe you could teach me?" I asked. Laine shrugged.

"I guess I could, but you don't like the beach." Laine teased. I shrugged.

"I'll make an exception."

Laine's POV
Our suspect's name was Ethan Jackson. Danny and I questioned him, but he was difficult.

"Ethan, come on, why did you send that hate mail to Mark Harrison? We just want to know." Danny pleaded. Ethan frowned.

"He fired me and I was mad, ok? But I would never kill anyone." Ethan replied. I looked over at Danny as he scratched the back of his neck. I had noticed that he always did that when he was frustrated.

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