A Tale About The Parkers

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"Your mom is a really horrible person," I reply quietly. I'm still unable and unwilling to look at his face, and I know mine is the color of a ripe tomato. I've never kissed a boy, even if it wasonly on the cheek, in my entire life. I'm not sure what to think, what to feel, or what to say. It definitely didn't feel the same as kissing Jena, though, that's for sure. I try to push these thoughts and my prior actions to the back of my mind, however, and focus on what's more important. "I can't believe she said all those mean things to you or that she hit you-"

"Never mind me. I'm sorry you heard her speak that way about you. I never wanted you to hear those things. I'm so sorry, Danielle," Reed says in a serious tone. I glance at his face and see that he's frowning at me in an apologetic way. It makes me feel sick to my stomach that he's trying to make amends for something his mother did. It wasn't in any way his fault and he shouldn't feel guilty about it.

"Don't you dare feel bad about what she said about me, Reed," I tell him sternly, raising my eyebrows to make a point. "I don't care about any of that, anyway. It's nothing that I haven't heard before from other people. And you don't have to take up for me, either-"

"Yes, I do!" He cuts me off before I can finish. I sigh and look away as he continues, "I'm tired of her saying such mean things about you, because none of it's true! And I'm tired of everyone else treating you badly, too. It's all just ridiculous and you really don't deserve any of it!" He pauses for a moment and then I feel his hand on my cheek. His fingers lightly grace my skin, gently bringing my face forward so I'll look at him. My skin breaks out into goosebumps, and my stomach does a flip as I bring my eyes to his again. They're such an intense blue that I find I can't breathe at all and I want to look away again, but I don't. "Danielle, they're all wrong, every one of them. And I don't understand why they can't see what I do."

I bite my lip, but I still keep eye contact with him. I let out the breath I'd been holding. I find myself curious and a little impulsive. I can't seem to find my voice, though, so I whisper, "What do you see?"

He smiles shyly at me and his fingers trace the outline of my jaw before tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear. I feel my heart race, knowing that this isn't exactly behavior that two friends, or coworkers, normally share. There's definitely something more going on here and I don't know what to make of it, and I'm not sure if I want it to stop or if I want it to continue. I'm starting to feel panic rise throughout my whole being and I look away rather quickly, not being able to bear his penetrative gaze any longer. It makes me feel self-conscious and vulnerable, like he can read my mind or see into my soul with them. I'm about to tell him to forget what I had just asked, when he starts to speak again.

"I see..." Reed starts suddenly, his voice thoughtful and reflective, "perfection."

His hand is still on my face, his thumb lightly tracing my cheekbone, and I'm sure he can feel the heat radiating off of me. I don't know what to think of his words, but I know I don't believe them. Finally, I gather my senses once again and bat his hand away from my face. I roll my eyes and, with an unbelieving tone, I tell him, "Whatever, Reed! I'm definitely not perfect. I'm probably the least perfect person ever-"

"Let me finish?" Reed interjects. "Please?"

I shake my head and shrug, then gesture for him to continue. I still won't look in his direction, however, and keep my eyes planted firmly on the restaurant floor. I know he's just going to say something ridiculously sweet and uncalled for again, and I'm going to feel even more unworthy and awkward.

"I didn't mean perfection as in no flaws," Reed states factually. I look at him with narrowed eyes, wondering where he's taking this. This time, he glances away from me. "We all have flaws, and without them we'd be boring. I meant... perfection, as in I wouldn't change a thing about you. I know you've heard people say ignorant and untrue things about you over the years, and you've probably started to believe them. You really shouldn't, though. And just so you know, I think you're a really beautiful person - inside and out."

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