Restaurant Smiles

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"You haven't lost your smile at all, it's right under your nose. You just forgot it was there."


The restaurant is only three blocks away from the elementary school, so we arrive there in no time at all. As we all get out of the car and head inside, Jena grabs my hand and practically glues herself to me. She's avoiding looking at Reed or even being seen by him. I can't help but shake my head and grin about it all. She's acting so silly. Reed wouldn't hurt her or make her feel bad about the way she feels. I guess I should probably remind myself of that too.

Despite the worries I have about other people seeing us together, I guess I'm also a bit afraid of accepting his friendship only to have him turn on me. If that were to happen, especially with someone as seemingly kind and sweet as Reed, I would lose whatever desperate strand I have left of my hope for humanity. It would kill me inside. I wouldn't be able to trust anyone again, and that's why I'm afraid to even trust now. And the other reason I am afraid of accepting his friendship is... well, I don't know how to be friends with someone like him. We're obviously from different social circles, completely different worlds, and I don't understand how we'd have anything in common or anything at all to talk about. I don't have the slightest idea why he'd even be interested in me or want to know anything about me, and I am in no hurry to wear my heart on my sleeve for someone to rip it away.

When we enter the restaurant, I am automatically hit with the intoxicating smell of freshly baked bread, pastries, and cakes. I can almost taste the air; I breathe in deeply, filling my nostrils and lungs with the delicious aroma. I glance down at Jena, who is still holding on tightly to my hand, and she looks as overwhelmed as I am by the scent. And then, as out of place as I feel here, I remember that this is where I work now; I work in a heaven of sugar and spice, of bread and pies.

The restaurant itself is very nice; quaint and sort of old fashioned, yet it's kept up very well.There are glass cases and shelves along the walls, and in the window sills, of elegantly decorated multi-tiered cakes, in every color and size. I feel so intimidated by it all; there's no way I will be able to do all of this. I'm not a baker... I've never really baked anything in my life, not anything fancy like this, anyway. I don't know what to think. I am thankful to work here, and even more honored that I was offered the job without even asking for it, but I have no idea what I'm doing here and it makes me nervous. Surely there are much more qualified and experienced people that could be hired for this....

"Miss Danielle, pleased to see you here today!" I hear Mr. Parker's cheerful voice come from beside me. He's walking out of a separate dining room, which I notice is full of tables and booths. It even has two couches, a coffee table, and a lounging chair. There's a shelf along the wall full of books and magazines. I hear music playing, but I can't think to listen to it or bother to decipher what it is or who it's by.

Mr.Parker's eyes land on Jena, who squeezes my hand tighter and clings a little closer to me. "And you must be little Jena? Pleased to meet you darling. Feel free to make this place your home away from home." He says the last part to both of us with a huge, boyish grin on his face. There's something so warm and gentle about him that puts me at ease, and I instantly know I have nothing to worry about here. I'm sure I will make mistakes starting out, but Mr. Parker wouldn't have offered the job to a completely inexperienced person if he didn't expect that. Or, at least, I hope that's the case.

"Thank you, I'm so glad to be here," I tell him. My voice comes out as if I'm almost in awe, which I kind of am. I haven't really been in this restaurant for years, and I guess I had forgotten how wonderful it was. I continue with a truthful, "This place is amazing."

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