A Ride Home With Reed

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Before you were, or any hearts to beat, weary and kind one lingered by His seat; He made the world to be a grassy road before her wandering feet.

-W.B. Yeats

"Great!" Mr. Parker beams excitedly. "Will you be available to start work next Monday, after school?"

I feel my gut tighten with nerves and I'm unsure of how to answer. I don't know how I'm going to tell Smith about this. He's very unpredictable, and there's no way of knowing how he'll react. Still, I can't turn this opportunity down just because I'm afraid he'll react negatively. He always does anyway and at least this will be worth enduring it for.

"Sure," I answer. I shrug my shoulders and look at the floor. I can feel Reed's eyes staring at me from across the room. I can only wonder what he thinks about all of this. I almost feel sorry for him; I know people at school will talk. I'm sure he does, too. We live in a small town and they will notice. I don't mind so much that they say bad things about me; I'm used to it by now. But I feel bad dragging someone else into it... especially someone as nice as Reed. I try not to think about it, though. I need this job... not for me, but for Jena. I can't worry about what others will say. I ask, "Do I need to bring anything with me?"

"Just yourself. We'll take care of everything else," Mr. Parker assures me. I nod, not knowing how to reply. I'm really thankful and more than a little overwhelmed by his generosity. However, I've never been very good at expressing myself verbally. I'm sure he knows how I feel, though. I know he didn't have to do this... they are a family ran business, after all. He's doing this because he knows I need the help. I don't like being viewed as a charity case, but I also know that Mr. Parker is only doing this out of the kindness of his heart. I can't object to that, nor can I afford to.

He turns to Reed. "Would you care to give this young lady a lift back when you head into town?"

My pulse quickens and I feel my face heating up. I don't want Reed to see where I live. And besides, he's done enough this evening. I expect him to object, sigh heavily, or just say no, but all he says is, "Sure. Of course."

"You really don't have to-"

"It's on the way. It's no problem." He shrugs his shoulders and looks at me a little strangely; his eyebrows are scrunched together in contemplation, as if he's trying to figure something out. It makes me feel self-conscious and uncomfortable. I find myself fidgeting with the hem of my shirt, avoiding his eyes again. I know he's nice outwardly, but I can't shake the feeling that he's thinking horrible things about me.

I also wonder if he's saying he'll give me a ride out of respect for his father. It's a short distance between our houses by car, but it's still long enough that someone might see me with him. Reed is handsome and has no shortage of friends. I know a lot of girls like him, even. So why would he willingly commit social suicide by being seen with me? I'm honestly not worth it.

I silently watch as Mr. Parker goes over to him, leans down by his ear, and whispers something. I try my hardest to hear, but I don't catch it. I see Reed's face turn a little redder and he avoids my gaze. I'm both curious and paranoid. I know Mr. Parker wouldn't say anything bad, but I still know it's about me. I know he doesn't mean to be, but I find it a little rude. I don't like it when people whisper about me; I always assume the worst. It makes me feel out of place in my own skin... which isn't too different from how I normally feel, really. Still, I don't like the feeling.

Reed shakes his head, and I hear him give a quiet and embarrassed, "Dad..."

Mr. Parker looks back at me with a knowing smile. I have no idea what's going on, and I'm afraid to ask. I fix my eyes on the floor when he leaves the room again, ruffling Reed's hair in a joking manner before doing so.

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