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"Well, what did you tell him?" I ask Jena. I really don't think she knows the answers to any of those questions he supposedly asked her. We don't normally sit around discussing favorite colors, foods, or boys. Well not until now, anyway.

"I didn't say anything. I just said I didn't know," she answers with a yawn and a shrug.

"Good," I say, feeling a little less annoyed with everything. Seriously, if Reed wants to ask things about me, he needs to ask me. Not my little sister.

And I think I do believe what Jena is saying, though I still don't have a clue why he'd be asking those things. I'm not going to dwell on it, though, because he was probably just making small-talk with her and didn't mean anything by it. I'm not going to ask him about it and make things weird between us, as much as we're going to be around each other from now on. This job means a lot to me, and I'd hate for it to become uncomfortable.

Jena and I don't say anything else as we reach the house. I see Smith's truck outside, and suddenly feel an ominous tug in my chest as I reach for the front door. I try to open it, but it won't budge. I feel my heart pound erratically as I try to turn the knob again. Nope, it's not going anywhere.

"Damn! Smith locked us out again," I tell Jena, frustration and panic in my voice. I know better than to knock. He won't let us inside. He did this on purpose, and it's not the first time either. He's done this more times than I can count. If I knock on the door, he'll just beat me and throw me back out again anyway. I'm really not in the mood to deal with this tonight.

I knew the goodness I was feeling wouldn't last long.

"Are we going to have to sleep outside tonight?" Jena asks me with a slight tremor. I know the thought of it scares her to death. We live in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by thick woods. There are many sounds of wild animals all around us, and things moving in the bushes and tall grass. Needless to say, the few times we did sleep outside, we didn't really get much sleep at all.

I shake my head. We can't do this during school. Jena needs her rest.

"No, we're not." I start to walk off, but she stands there with a questioning look on her face. "Well, come on!"

She quickly catches up to me and asks, "Where are we going?"

I know only one place we can go.

"The Jacksons'."


Dylan's family lives about a mile away from us, so it takes a little while to get there. I'm not sure of the exact time, but I'm guessing it's well after 11 pm by the time we reach the house. Jena is just about ready to pass out walking, since she was sleepy to begin with. I feel like I might collapse at any moment, myself.

I don't even hesitate before knocking hard on the door. I know I won't be turned away here; this place has kind of become a second home of mine over the years. I try not to make it a habit though, showing up like this, because I know Dylan has enough on his plate to stress about without Jena and me being added to the mix.

Dylan opens the door after a few minutes, looking like I'd woken him up; which I probably did.

He frowns and asks in a croaky voice, "Danny, not that I don't mind you coming over, but what are you two doing here so late?"

I frown back, and answer shortly, "Smith locked us out again." And I know that he knows exactly what I mean without having to explain anything. This has happened many times before throughout the years.

He sighs heavily, looking annoyed and angry, then opens the door for us to enter.

"Well, come inside then," he says, standing back to let us through. He turns to Jena and tells her, "You can go on to Posy's room... try not to wake her up, okay?"

Closed Doors [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now