Okay guys so what I'm gonna do for this story is follow the series plot line as closely as I can. Of course I'm gonna make a few tweaks here and there, probably more than tweaks too, but it's going to be as accurate to the show as I can make it. Kay? Kay.
"Hold up," Bonnie said suddenly as we kept walking down the hall. Elena and I stopped with her and looked at her expectantly for an answer to why she stopped us. "Who's this?"
Elena and I followed her gaze into the office and saw who she was looking at. A fairly tall guy in a black leather jacket talking to the secretary, with his back to us.
"All I see is back," Elena said.
"And brown hair," I added.
"Seattle," Bonnie said. "And I'm guessing he plays guitar."
"What?" I asked with a smile.
"It's her whole psychic thing," Elena reminded me. I nodded remembering over the summer when Bonnie told me that her Grams told her their ancestors were from Salem and that they had some witch blood in them to this day. I could tell she was taking this whole witch thing a lot more seriously now than she had over the summer.
Elena and Bonnie were talking about the 'hot' back when I noticed Jeremy walking past us and into the guys' bathroom, looking less than his best. Elena glanced at me and furrowed her eyebrows worriedly.
"You okay Sam?" she asked me.
"I....I think we should go talk to Jeremy," I told her. She got a look on her face saying she knew what I was talking about.
"We'll be right back," she said to Bonnie. Bonnie nodded then Elena followed me into the boys bathroom just in time to see Jeremy put eye drops in his eyes. Elena marched right up to him when she spotted what he was doing and grabbed his face, looking at his eyes.
"Great, first day of school hasn't even started and you're already stoned," she said sounding very unhappy. I knew she wasn't and I wasn't very much either.
Jeremy pulled away from Elena's grip.
"I'm not," he tried to argue without looking at either of us.
"Where is it?" Elena asked as she began looking through his pockets. Jeremy tried pushing her hands away. "Is it on you?"
"Stop! Just stop, you need to chill yourself Elena," Jeremy said. He then glanced at me. "Are you gonna say something too?"
"I don't know what to say Jeremy," I admitted as Elena kept searching his pockets. "Nothing other than that this needs to stop."
"Sam's right and by the way, 'chill myself?' Is that stoner talk? Dude you are so cool," Elena said sarcastically.
"Elena would you back off! You're acting crazy."
"You have not seen crazy Jeremy," I mumbled.
"She's right, again. I gave you a summer pass for this, both of us did, but we are done watching you destroy yourself," Elena lectured him.
"And you know she's serious. She'll be there to ruin your buzz everytime," I told him.
Jeremy started arguing with Elena while I stood by the door, not really sure what to say. Elena was right, Jeremy couldn't keep doing this because it wasn't just hurting him, but us too. I also knew that lecturing him wasn't the way to go. He would just tune us out. I looked away when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. It was a text message from Chastity.

Fix You (A Vampire Diaries Fan-Fic)
FanfictionSamantha Gilbert is 14 years old, living with her older sister Elena and big brother Jeremy under the foster care of their Aunt Jenna. She, like her brother and sister, is coping with the loss of her parents in her own way by staying busy and helpin...