Fix You- Bloodlines part 1

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I'm back guys! Sorry for the absence, but as I'm sure you all understand, life happens. It sucks sometimes, but we get through it and I did and I'm back, so let's get back to this!

If you stuck around this long, thank you! I'm sorry and I'm thankful for you loyal fans!

<3 Kathy


The low humming and light vibration of a car was the sound and feeling I woke up to. I groaned lightly, my eyes being slightly burned at the light seeping in to my eyes as my eyes fluttered open slowly.

The unfamiliar countryside surroundings woke me right up and I straightened up in the seat I was in.

"What the-" I began, confused.

"Morning sunshine."

I knew that chipper voice. I looked to my left and sure enough, there was Damon looking back at me with a smirk. He looked back to the road while I looked around.

"Where are we?" I asked. "Oh my- where's Elena?! Is she okay? What happened?"

"One question at a time, cute stuff," he said nonchalantly.

My cheeks warmed when he called me cute, but the thought of Elizabeth and Katherine did well to get rid of that blush. Wait...Elizabeth and...Katherine.

"To answer your first question, we're in Georgia," Damon said.

"Georgia?" I repeated in shock. "Damon, seriously. Where are we?"

"Seriously. We're- we're in Georgia."

I stared at his face, hoping to see a crack of a smile or some other sign to tell me he was joking.

"Why are we in Georgia?" I asked after getting no sign of kidding around.

"Thought it'd be fun," he said simply with a shrug. "Road trip and all. How are you feeling by the way?"

I could tell by his tone that he was trying not to seem too concerned, but his face gave him away. The side glances he had been sending my way were telling me he actually cared about whether I was okay or not. Then again, maybe it was wishful thinking that he'd care.

"I'm fine," I answered. "But...I have no idea what happened. Where is Elena? Is she okay?"

"Well, you really are fine for starters. No broken bones, I checked, and I gave you some blood to heal your head up. As for your sister, she's fine too. Stefan's taking care of her."

That fact calmed me down. Elena was safe with Stefan, I trusted him.

"What happened?"

He told me about finding Elena's car upside down in the middle of the road after she hit a man- who was able to get up and get away from the scene. I was unconscious but Elena wasn't, so he got her out first before he saved me from the wreckage. After that, Stefan came and took her back to the boarding house while Damon took Georgia.

A sick feeling manifested in my stomach and I leaned my head back on the seat. Jenna and Jeremy had no idea what happened, Elena didn't know where I was, and apparently Stefan was expecting us back at the boarding house. On top of that, a man that my sister hit with her car was able to just get up and walk away- a clear sign that he was a vampire- and we had no clue who he was or what he wanted.

"Thank you for saving Elena. And me," I said gratefully after the feeling went away. "But...I can't be here. I have to get home. Elena will be worried and Jenna will be too-"

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