Fix You- A Few Good Men

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It was like it was all for nothing.

Elena convinced Bonnie and Grams to open the tomb so Damon would be able to get Elizabeth out. Their plan was for Damon unlock the tomb and let Damon go in to find Elizabeth, but they never intended to take the seal keeping them in off. Damon would have been stuck down there along with the rest. Then Stefan went in to save me, making Elena beg Bonnie and Grams to be lenient and lift the seal at least long enough to get him out again- and Damon for me.

The spell worked and the seal was lifted, but Elizabeth wasn't down in the tomb and the seal didn't go back up. The worst part was that Bonnie lost her grams. She passed away after we took her back to her house. She appeared to be sleeping at first, but when Bonnie couldn't wake her...

Claire said that Grams used up too much power for her body to handle and it ended up killing her.

Anna got her mother out. That was the only positive thing that came out of opening that tomb. Damon found out the love of his life was never was in the tomb and had never bothered to look him up, Grams died, and the seal didn't even stay up.

All thoughts of Katherine stayed out of our heads (or at least mine and Bonnie's head) until after Grams' funeral. She had stayed with Pearl and Anna gathering her strength back. As far as I knew, neither Stefan nor Damon heard anything from her. Not that they really had a problem with it, it was just making Stefan nervous because he didn't know if or what she had planned.

Bonnie left town for a while. She just needed some time away from everything and frankly, I didn't blame her. Elena and I hadn't gotten a hold of her since she left, but all things considered...I think I knew Bonnie's reasons for not contacting us and I respected her choice. It wasn't one I was happy about, but it was her choice.

Besides, compared to Damon's coping method, I was a lot more comfortable with Bonnie's choice. I sighed to myself and sat back in my window seat, wishing that my mother was still here. She would know what to do.


Third POV

"Are you going to tell Sam?"

It was the first question Stefan asked Elena after she told him about what Jenna found out about her birth mother and that she hadn't decided whether or not she would be visiting her possibly deceased birth mother's best friend in Grove Hill. She sighed at the question, a crease of worry and guilt etched in to her forehead.

"I don't know, Stefan," she answered. "She doesn't even know that I knew she was adopted, let alone that we most likely came from different birth parents."

"When are you going to tell her?" he asked then.

She shook her head.

"Later," she replied. "Now...just isn't the right time. There's too much going on and I don't want to make things worse for her."

Stefan nodded and held her supportively in his arms.

"Well whenever you decide to tell her, I'll be there. For both of you."

Elena sighed in gratitude and allowed her eyes to close as she rested her head comfortably against his chest. It wasn't the right time to tell her little sister the truth about her adoption. There was so much Elena herself didn't know about her own adoption and their father didn't mention anything about Sam's adoption in any of his medical journals or records. According to Sam's birth certificate, she was the daughter of Grayson and Miranda Gilbert- same as Elena. Her parents were basically ghosts.

And Elena couldn't help but get the nagging feeling that maybe they were for good reason.


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