Fix You- Haunted

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I woke up the next morning to a text from Stefan. I immediately opened it and let out a sigh of relief. He and Damon found Vicki. Wait...Damon? Damon helped find Vicki? Why would he do that when he was the one to set her loose in the first place? Unless...maybe...

Maybe him helping Stefan was a sign. That is, if that's what Damon was doing. Maybe there was hope their relationship could be saved. Damon just had a lot of anger he needed to let go of.

I sat up when I heard knocking at my door.

"Sam? You awake?" Elena asked through the door.

"I'm up," I told her.

She opened my door and poked her head in.

"Jeremy went to go join a search party to look for Vicki," she said. "I didn't stop him. I don't know what to tell him."

I pressed my lips together. I hated keeping things from him, but maybe we could get away with telling Matt and Jeremy she went to rehab. Then again, they would want to see her. Maybe...

"Should we tell him?" I asked. " know, the whole-"

"No," she said immediately. "No, I don't want him having anything to do with this. It's way too dangerous for him to know."

"But maybe it'll be better," I said. "I mean, Stefan didn't tell you and look how well that turned out."

She sighed, looking like she was actually considering it. Then she shook her head.

"No," she said firmly again. "We can't tell him. Not yet anyway. Let's just get through today and then we'll deal with it."

"Okay," I said reluctantly. 

I didn't want my brother to be in danger, but the idea of him not knowing about this stuff just seemed less safe than if we just told him. I left it up to Elena though. She was the oldest of the three of us, so it was her call.

"I just feel bad letting him go out there to look for her," Elena continued. "I know they're not going to find anything."

"Yeah, Stefan said he found her. Him and Damon," I told her.

She furrowed her eyebrows.

"When did he tell you that?" she asked warily.

"Just this morning," I said holding up my phone. "He texted me."

She folded her arms and sighed. It was the sigh that said she didn't like something I said.

"Sam, I thought really hard last night," she said. "And a lot this morning and...I don't think I should see Stefan anymore. It could put Jenna, Jeremy, you, and me in a lot of danger. I mean, Caroline was example enough that Damon is willing to hurt anyone to hurt Stefan."

"Then you should tell him," I said, looking at my feet.

Honestly, I was sad that she didn't want to see him anymore, but in the end it was her choice. If she thought not seeing Stefan was best for her, then that's up to her. I noticed then how silent she had been, not even saying anything to my previous suggestion. She wanted me to tell him, didn't she?


"Please, Sam," Elena said. "I can't see him. Not for a while at least."

"You're not even going to go to the boarding house to at least see Vicki?"

She bit her lip, pondering over it. Finally she sighed.

"I'll drive us there before we go to school," she said. "And I'll tell Stefan myself."

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