Fix You- Under Control

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"Jeremy! We're gonna be late!" I called up the stairs to Jeremy, hoping he would hurry down so we could leave for school.

"He down yet?" Elena asked coming up behind me to the front door.

"No," I sighed.

Jenna scrambled toward us, Elena's thermos in hand. She smiled as she held it out to her.

"Forgot this," she said.

"Thanks," Elena took it. She looked to me. "Let's just wait for him in the car."

"Alright," I shrugged, moving away from the bottom of the stairs.

Elena opened the door and started out, only to stop short to avoid bumping in to someone. And that someone was...

"Uncle John?" I said surprised.

He smiled upon seeing us, lowering the hand he was most likely going to knock with.

"Samantha! Elena!" he greeted us.

Elena's face had morphed from "looking forward to the day" to forced happiness.

"Uncle John," she greeted with an unenthusiastic, fake smile. "Hi."

To be perfectly honest, Uncle John...was not the most popular character around. As Dad's only brother, he was always welcome around as family, but neither Dad or Mom ever seemed all too thrilled to see him- similar to my siblings and Aunt Jenna.

And why wouldn't they? Whenever he was around, he often talked down to people and made them feel lesser and frequently criticized people, whether it was subtle or direct.

However, with me he was a bit more complicated. Of course he was still critical and controlling with me like he was with anyone else, but it was never quite to the extent of others and there was always something underlying it. Almost as if he was...afraid of being too rude or pushing me too hard. Like he thought I was glass that would break with too harsh a comment.

It was weird to say the least.

Uncle John then looked to Jenna, who was still behind Elena and me.

"Jenna," he greeted.

"John, you made it," she said with obvious distaste.

"I said I'd be in by noon," he reminded as he entered the house, swiftly walking past Elena who gave me an annoyed eye roll.

"Oh, what you say and what you do are typically two very different things," Jenna said with a slight glare at his back.

Jeremy descended down the stairs then, frown growing on his face when he saw who was here.

"Uncle John, what's up?" he greeted, also none to pleased.

See? Not the most popular guy.

"Hey," Uncle John greeted Jeremy.

Jeremy merely slapped his shoulder in greeting before passing by, walking out the door without a glance back. I followed quickly after him, saying a quick 'see ya later' to Uncle John.

"Jer!" I called after him.

Jeremy stopped halfway to the car before looking back.

"What?" he answered, sounding the slightest bit annoyed.

"I wanted to talk to you," I said a bit taken aback by his tone.

"About what? Vicki? I'm fine, don't worry."

"It's not just about that," I told him, stopping him as he turned back to walk to the car. "It's...about Anna too."

He froze and looked at me weirdly.

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