Fix You- Miss Mystic Falls

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"Chastity!" I called, running up behind Chastity in the halls at school. She stopped to let me catch up to her. "I heard Bonnie's back."

"Yeah," she confirmed. "I was just on my way to find her and say hi. But...looks like your sister found her first."

We stopped outside, watching Elena and Bonnie talk in the courtyard. I smiled brightly before leading Chastity over to the two.

"Bonnie!" I called out. "Hey."

She seemed to force a smile when she saw me.

"Hey, Sam," she said quietly after we made it up to her. "Chastity. Good to see you both."

"How are you doing?" I asked instantly. "I know you had a lot on your plate. Especially given..."

I trailed off, knowing she knew I was talking about the tomb vampires.

"Honestly, I wish I didn't know," she replied shortly. "It was hard with Grams, the tomb spell failing just made me wanna come home even less."

"I hope you understand why I called," Elena said. "I just wanted you to know before you came home."

"Yeah, I understand. I just wish I didn't know."

I looked at her sympathetically. She was heartbroken that her Grams died, but now she felt it was for nothing because the tomb spell failed to hold and the tomb vampires were freed. All because Damon wanted Elizabeth back, who wasn't even down in the tomb in the first place.

"I'm sorry, Bonnie," I whispered to her. "I..."

I didn't get a chance to finish before Caroline and Olivia rushed up and hugged Bonnie tightly.

"Thank God you're home!" Caroline exclaimed. "I know we talked every day, but I missed you!"

I blinked in surprise and noticed how Elena did the same, looking between Caroline and Bonnie oddly. Caroline and Bonnie talked every day? But Bonnie never answered when Elena or I called...

I looked over at Chastity, who mouthed that she would explain later.

"You too, Sam!"

I looked at Caroline.

"Me too, what?"

"You need to help me pick the perfect dress for the Founder's Court," she explained.

"The Founder's Court?" I repeated. "Did...I miss something?"

I glanced at Elena, who looked just as lost as I was.

"The Founder's Court," Olivia said obviously. "You know, Miss Mystic Falls."

"They announced it today," Caroline took over. "And, um, Elena and I are both on it."

"Oh my god, we signed up for that so long ago. I completely forgot," Elena said.

"So...are you dropping out, then?" Caroline asked hopefully.

Bonnie gave Elena a sympathetic look and I put a hand on her shoulder.

"I can't," Elena replied.

"No?" Caroline said, clearly disappointed.

"Their mom is the one who wanted Elena to enter," Bonnie explained.

"She wanted Sam to enter too, but she was too young," Chastity added. "She said as soon as she was old enough, though. She'd steal the show."

I remembered all the times when Elena and I were little. Mom used to let us dress up in her court dresses and pretend like we were in the pageant. She had us practice victory speeches and work on our graceful lady waves- as she called them. We loved it because it made us feel just like her.

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