Fix You- Children of the Damned

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"What exactly is a grimoire again?" I asked Chastity.

We were sitting together in my bedroom, discussing the situation we were currently finding ourselves in as we skimmed through her family's grimoire. After the whole decades dance incident, Chastity went in to full panic mode and decided that I would not be involved in supernatural business unless she was also involved. As a result, Damon decided have her help him, Stefan, Elena, and I apparently free Elizabeth from the tomb.

I was actually a little surprised Stefan agreed to help Damon open the tomb since he had been against it before. Maybe their relationship really was getting better. Anyway, he decided to help Damon and in turn, Damon also decided Elena was going to be helping.

Considering our relationship was better than his relationship with his brother and my sister, Damon assumed I would be helping too. While he assigned Elena to journal duty, he asked me to have Chastity look through her family's grimoire for anything that may help.

One thing that had been pushed on to the back burner at my insistence was the vampire who killed the vampire who attacked me at the decades dance, apparently because he was supposed to protect me. Chastity, to mine and Elena's surprise, didn't seem all that worried about the arrival of the random vampire. In fact, she was glad he showed up to kill the one that attacked me. She reasoned that because he did it to protect me, he most likely wasn't a threat and- though I was surprised she thought so- I agreed with her.

"It's a book of spells, basically," Chastity answered my earlier question. "They're passed down from generation to generation in families of witches. I'm guessing Damon thinks my family would have written something about the Bennett grimoire since we've been here as long as they have if not a little longer."

I hummed to myself as I flipped through the book.

"How do you feel about all of this?" I asked her. "I didn't want you to get dragged in."

"To be honest, I'm not exactly thrilled," Chastity said. "Releasing your evil twin from the tomb sounds like a whole lot of work for a punishment."

I also decided to tell her about Elizabeth and Katherine. If Damon was going to drag my best friend in to this, then she deserved to know every last detail.

There was also someone else who deserved to know a couple things, but I was just trying to find the right way to tell Jeremy without damaging his relationship with Elena. The bond between them was on thin ice as it was.

"Yeah, but if it'll make Damon happy..." I muttered absentmindedly.

I felt her stare on me and looked up from the book, furrowing my eyebrows at her curious eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"What's going on between you and Damon?" she asked immediately.

"What do you mean?" I laughed nervously.

"I mean he's just...different around you. I've seen him around others and I've seen him around you. He's a killer who doesn't hesitate to hurt people- not even his own brother- yet with you...that vampire at the decades dance, the vampire on your little road trip who kidnapped you...he's different around you. I think he actually cares about you and all you care about right now is his happiness."

I blinked slowly, not sure what to say. I knew what I felt, I knew it wasn't good and that pretty much everyone would have something to say against it, but I couldn't deny that I cared about Damon.

Sighing, I shut the grimoire and pushed it toward Chastity.

"It doesn't matter what I feel," I told her. "We're going to free Elizabeth from the tomb and then after that...he'll be gone."

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