Fix You- 162 Candles

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Quick question guys, do you like the Sam/Damon pairing (or Damantha as my friend puts it) or would you be more in to a Sam/Stefan pairing?

I'm just curious because the friend I have editing says that she likes Sam and Stefan together. That's not the plan, but again I'm just curious.

So what do you think? Sam and Damon or Sam and Stefan?


-Third POV-

"Come on, let's go! I mean, what's keeping you here!" a very pretty blonde vampire said to Stefan.

Stefan's oldest and best friend, Lexi, had surprised him earlier that day by visiting him on a very special day: his birthday.

She and Stefan were catching up, he was telling her about some of the things that have been happening in Mystic Falls and was warning her that she needed to be careful while there. She had informed him that she was not staying for long and that Bon Jovi was going to be performing in New York in the Garden.

"I told you," he said in response to her trying to coax him in to leaving Mystic Falls.

"Right, Elena," Lexi said. "And who was the other one? The ever mysterious Samantha?"

"That's them," Stefan confirmed with a nod.

"Well let's hope they're better than the last girls you got all sprung over," Lexi sighed as she walked over to the desk in Stefan's room, holding up the pictures of Katherine and Elizabeth.

Stefan smiled a bit and took the photos back.

"You didn't even know Katherine or Elizabeth," he said.

"Cause if I did, I'd kick their asses," Lexi retorted. "Especially Elizabeth's. Little bitch. Speaking of, where's Damon?"

"Inflicting misery somewhere," Stefan answered. "You gonna be okay here alone? Cause I got some things I gotta take care of."

"It's not exactly like I can go anywhere," Lexi complained, looking outside at the sunlight. "And you and Damon are the only ones with these nifty little daylight rings."

She smirked as an idea popped in her head and she held up her hand.

"I have a mood ring from '75. Trade ya?"

He smirked at her and shook his head.

"Doesn't work that way and you know it," he told her.

"Yeah," Lexi sighed.

"Hey Lex, I'm really glad you came here," he told her sincerely.

"Ok, what are we doing for your birthday?" she asked teasingly. "It's not everyday a guy turns 162 years old."

"Really?" Stefan groaned.

"Oh, yeah," his best friend grinned.


-Sam's POV-

I walked down the steps of the police station with Jeremy, Elena, and Jenna. Sheriff Forbes had questioned Elena, Jeremy, Matt, Stefan, and I about Vicki.

The cover story- as I was told this morning- was that Vicki ran away. I felt guilty for lying and letting Sheriff Forbes- and Matt- believe Vicki left town. What made me feel even worse was that they were so willing to believe it because of her serious drug problem. I wished that the lies were true. I wished Vicki really ran away because at least then she'd still be alive and she'd still have a chance.

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