Fix You- Unpleasantville

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I stared down at the picture of...well myself. Kind of. This woman was an exact replica of me in every sense. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought it was a historically themed picture of me.

I did know better, though, and I knew that she wasn't me. This was Elizabeth.

My eyes switched over to the other, equally aged photograph of Katherine who even I could have mistaken for Elena. The only physical difference between all of us was that Katherine and Elizabeth had curly hair while Elena's was pin straight and mine was loosely wavy.

"You okay?"

I looked over at Stefan, who was standing at the entrance of my room. He came over to talk to Elena and brought over some extra vervain and vervain jewelry for us to give to Jenna, Jeremy, and our other friends. He also brought over the pictures of Katherine and Elizabeth at my insistence. I just had to see for myself how much of a resemblance there was between us all.

Needless to say, Elena was right. They were replicas of us. Or we were replicas of them.

"I'm fine," I answered Stefan's question.

I held the pictures out to him with a sigh.

"You can take these back," I told him. "I just...needed to see with my own eyes."

He stepped forward and took the pictures gently from my fingers, watching me with concerned eyes.

"You know whatever you're feeling, whatever you're can talk to me about it, right?"

I nodded right away.

"I know," I said. "Guess I just...need to figure out what it is I'm feeling and thinking first."

"That's understandable," he said. "Well when you do figure it out, you can come to me."



"Elena, I need the money!" Jeremy called up the stairs.

"Will you take him the money for me, Sam?!" Elena asked from the bathroom.

I set my book down on my bed and grabbed the money Elena had set out in her room for the pizza. I came downstairs, greeting the pizza guy just as he set the pizza down on the table by the front door.

"Here you are," I said holding the cash out to him. "Keep the change."

He smiled as he took the money from me.

"Thanks a lot," he said. "You have yourself a good night."

"You too," I returned with a smile.

He backed out of the house with a smile and though I tried not to think anything of it, it sent a bit of a chill down my spine. I closed the door and shook it off. I was probably just being paranoid.


"This has to be the most beautiful thing ever!" Olivia sang as she admired the bracelet I gave her. "I don't know why you're giving it to me, but thanks!"

"It's a just because you're an awesome person, Liv," Chastity said dryly. "Even though you really don't need it."

I gave her a weird look, to which she just nodded at Olivia.

"You can never have too many accessories," Olivia stated. "Thanks a lot Sam."

She gave me a one-armed hug before bouncing away to a group of girls, immediately showing off the silver charmed bracelet full of vervain I had given her.

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