While helping Caroline and Bonnie- who was actively avoiding any sort of contact with me, still- plan out the Miss Mystic Falls float, my phone rang in my pocket. Sighing, I reached in to my pocket and dug out my phone, pressing answer before tucking it between my shoulder and ear.
"Not a good time," I told him. "I'm helping build the Miss Mystic Falls float."
"Will you tell your sister that I am not her boyfriend's babysitter?" Damon ignored what I said. "Her check-ins are getting a little too...mother controlling."
I rolled my eyes.
"She's just worried and I'm pretty sure she calls Stefan, not you," I defended her. "Besides, I call you all the time to check-in."
"You ask about me too, so it's a little less like you see me as a babysitter," he retorted. "I don't know how Stefan puts up with her."
"They're a match made in Heaven."
"Or Hell."
"You're funny."
"You're cute."
"And as cute as this conversation has been, I really do have to go, so..."
"Hang on," he said quickly. "I did want to ask you something else. Have you been avoiding your uncle too?"
"As much as I can," I admitted. "Why?"
"No reason. I just have a feeling he may be up to something..."
"And it would be oh so helpful if I could get in to that head of his and try to find out what?"
"Well if you insist on helping me, I won't stop you."
I smiled.
"I'll see what I can get out of him, but no promises. Uncle John can be...let's just say stubborn."
"Must run in the family."
"Goodbye Damon."
"Bye Sammy-kins."
I hung up my phone and slid it back in my pocket, not noticing Chastity and Caroline's eyes on me until I looked up.
"What?" I asked them.
"Nothing going on with you two, huh?" Chastity said.
I didn't reply and was afraid of the methods they would resort to in order to get an answer out of me, but Alaric saved me by swooping over to us.
"Sam, got a minute?"
"Does it have to be right now?" Caroline asked impatiently. "We sort of have to get working on this pronto if we want our float to be the best in the show."
"It won't take long," Alaric promised.
I looked at him, not liking the worried expression on his face.
"Okay," I said. I turned to the girls. "Be right back."
Alaric stood against his desk at the front of the classroom while Stefan stood off to the side by the windows. I sat in the desk up front next to Elena, who sat perfectly frozen while she stared forward in half-fear and half-anxiousness. I laid a hand on top of hers comfortingly, still trying to process the news myself.
Isobel, as in Alaric's wife and Elena's birth mother, was in town. She wanted to meet Elena and me, apparently, even though I wasn't even her daughter. Or at least I didn't think I was.
"Sorry I'm late," Damon said as he entered in the classroom swiftly. "Dog ate my..." He looked around the room, stopping on my face. "Uh...never mind. What's with all the furrowed brows?"

Fix You (A Vampire Diaries Fan-Fic)
FanfictionSamantha Gilbert is 14 years old, living with her older sister Elena and big brother Jeremy under the foster care of their Aunt Jenna. She, like her brother and sister, is coping with the loss of her parents in her own way by staying busy and helpin...