Jack x Clark

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"You look happier than usual." Dean smiled at Jack

Jack looked at Dean with a huge smile on his face, and he spoke confidently.

"I am very happy. I'm going on a date at 3." He smiled even more.

Dean couldn't stop his protective side from coming out.

"With who?" He asked sternly.

"His name's Clark. You sort of met him the day I was born. He got stabbed by those mean angels, but he's okay now!" Jack said, excitedly

"And just where do you two plan on going?"

"They're going on a picnic at a local park. Calm down Dean, I already talked to him." Cas said, putting his hand on Dean's shoulder.

"But I-"

"Dean." Cas looked at him with a slight stern look.

"Fine. Okay. But if he tries anything that makes you uncomfortable, you tell him you're uncomfortable and if he doesn't listen," he stopped talking and dragged a finger across his neck.

"Got it. You'll kill him!" Jack said, somehow still smiling even after Dean just threatened to kill his friend.

"Yes. And I'm sure Sam would love to help."

Jack nodded, before hearing a knock on the door. His eyes lit up with excitement and he smiled as he ran up the stairs.

"Clark! Come inside!" He said when he opened the door.

"Hey Jack. Ready to go?" Clark said as he walked inside.

"Yeah in a minute. I want you to meet my dads first." Jack said happily.


Clark followed Jack down stairs into the main area where Sam, Dean and Cas were all sitting. Dean glared at Clark when he saw him, but Cas hit his arm and Dean's expression quickly changed into a semi-fake smile. Cas rolled his eyes.

"Hi. I'm Clark. Nice to meet you guys."

"It's nice to meet you too Clark. I'm Sam." Sam smiled, and held his hand out for Clark to shake, which Clark did.

"Hello Clark. I'm Castiel. And this is Dean, my husband." Cas glared a little at Dean as he introduced him.

Clark nodded and smiled.

"Okay well now you guys have met so, can we go now?" Jack asked.

"Of course. Have fun you two." Cas smiled as Jack and Clark headed out the door.

"NOT TOO MUCH FUN!!" Dean shouted.

"DEAN!" Cas exclaimed and slapped the back of Dean's head.

A little while later, Jack and Clark made it to the park. Clark carried a blanket and Jack carried the food in a picnic basket. They found a nice spot under the shade.

"This is so exciting! I've never been on a date before." Jack smiled after drinking some of his juice.

"Me neither, believe it or not. Well, at least not with another guy. Definitely never an angel." Clark chuckled.

Jack laughed and ate another chip.

"You know, I really like you Clark. You're nice to me, and I really appreciate that. You don't think I'm weird for being half angel, and it's nice to know someone, other than Sam, Dean and Cas, that likes me for me." Jack said, looking at Clark as he spoke.

"I like you too Jack. Angel or not, you're pretty sweet. Oh! I almost forgot. I got you something." He replied.

Clark then reached behind him to reveal another small basket, which he had carred under the blanket so Jack didn't see it. He handed it to Jack and smiled. Jack smiled and opened the basket.

His smile grew even wider and his mouth dropped open with happiness. Inside the basket was a small golden retriever puppy, with a red ribbon tied around its neck. There were also lots of candy bars with nougat in them, sitting on the bottom of the basket with the puppy.

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much Clark! I love it!!" He exclaimed and picked up the puppy, hugging it gently.

"You're welcome! And make sure you don't eat all that nougat at once." Clark chuckled.

"I won't. I can't wait to show Cas this puppy. Is it a boy or a girl?"

"Girl. What are you gonna name her?"

"Hmmm..." Jack thought about it for a moment. "Clarice." He smiled at his newly named puppy.

"Clarice....I like it!" Clark smiled.

Jack ate a couple of candy bars and they continued the rest of their date. Later that evening, Dean had a hard time getting used to Clarice, but ended up staying up all night making sure she was safe and healthy.

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