Sabriel's secret (pt 2)

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Dean returned to the motel almost an hour later, carrying a paper bag. He set it down on the table next to Sam's laptop and the few books that were open while Sam was researching.

"So, do you have an idea of what we're working with yet?"

"No, I mean, maybe this isn't our kind of gig?" Sam sighed and leaned back in his chair.

"Are you sure? That witness seemed pretty shaken up." Dean asked, a little confused since Sam was the one who wanted to check this whole thing out in the first place.

"Yeah, I think maybe it was just some psycho or something. I think we could just leave town now." Sam said, hoping that Dean would just go along with everything.

"I mean, if you really want to I guess we can go. But if it turns out we were wrong and there is something here, we're coming straight back. No questions."

"Yeah, I got it Dean."

They then packed up and drove back to the bunker, and Sam sighed a sigh of relief when he made it into his room and set his bag down. He took a short nap before planning a way he could tell Dean about him and Gabe.

"Maybe, I could- wait no, he might kill me too if he knew about that.." Sam thought out loud to himself, trying to think of what to say to Dean. He was going to tell him tonight. Otherwise, he would never tell him. He had to do it now and just get it over with. He would deal with any consequences later.

He eventually worked out what he was gonna say a couple hours later, and made his way to Dean's room. He waited outside of it for a few minutes before knocking on the door.

"Come in." He heard Dean say from the other side of the door.
He took a deep breath and opened the door, entering Dean's room to fine Dean on his bed, scrolling on his phone. He was most likely looking for a potential case.

"What's up?" Dean asked, looking up at Sam for a moment before looking back at his phone.

"Dean, I uh. I- I need to tell you something. It's important."

"Sam what's wrong?" Dean asked, putting his phone down as Dam sat at the end of his bed.

"Okay so, um, do you remember Gabriel?"

"The dick who killed me over a hundred times while you were stuck in a time loop, just to mess with you? Yeah how could I forget."

'This is gonna be harder than I thought..' Sam thought to himself.

"Yeah....that one. Um, so- basically I- I mean we, it's not that serious- I just-" Sam couldn't get the right words out. He was too scared that Dean would get mad and kill Gabe.

"Sam. It's okay just, just slow down. What is it?"

"Me and Gabe, we uh, we're- we're sort of in a relationship...." Sam said nervously, preparing himself for what's next.

"You-" Dean paused for a moment, trying to cool himself down. "How long has that been going on?"

"Since, about a year after we found out who he really was..."

"And you're just now telling me about it?" 

"Yeah." Sam couldn't even look at Dean's eyes anymore, because all he saw was how angry Dean was getting. Dean was quiet for a few minutes before speaking again.

"I'm gonna kill him." He said, getting up from his bed and grabbing his still packed duffle bag and walking outside of his door. "Gonna kill that SOB."

"Dean wait!" Sam stopped him in the hall.

"Sam, move. He's obviously got some sort of mind control over you. I mean, how could you, of all people, be in love with a monster like him?"

"No. And he's not using mind control. I love him! Those are my own thoughts and feelings. I had those feelings even before we knew who he was. Dean, please. Just, please give us a chance. Give him a chance." Sam pleaded.

"Fine. But I'm only doing this for you. If he wants my approval, he's gonna have to prove that he's not all bad." Dean gave in after a few minutes.

"Thank you." Sam said. Dean walked back to his room and put his bag down, going back on his phone to search for cases.

A/N: Okay so, this is how this one ends cause I'm having major writers block like it's not even funny, and hopefully I'll have the next chapter of "I told you I love you" out soon! I apologize for the long wait, and I love y'all! ❤️

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