Dean x Cas

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"Are you alright Dean?" Cas asked.

"Yeah, I'm good."

"Dean, you've been ignoring me for the past week. Something is going on."

"I said I'm fine." Dean replied, slightly irritated.

Cas just rolled his eyes and left the bunker for a while. Sam walked in to Dean's room holding his tablet.

"Hey. I found a case."

He handed the tablet to Dean.

"3 people got their hearts ripped out just outside of Austin Texas. Sounds like a werewolf."

"Alright, I'm gonna take a quick shower and then we can head out."

*In the car*

"Hey, uh... Dean?"


"I don't mean to invade your space, but, I feel like you've been ignoring Cas a lot lately." Sam said quietly.

Dean looked irritated.

"I'm fine! How many times do I have to say that?? And I'm not ignoring him!" He snapped.

"Yes you ARE Dean!! Anytime he walks into a room you leave it. Or anytime he tries to tell us something, you walk away. What is going on with you??"

"I'm-" Dean paused to think. "I just... It's nothing. I don't wanna talk about it right now." He said ending the conversation.

The truth was, even though Dean didn't want to admit it, he had feelings for Cas, but he was scared to say anything because he didn't want to lose his best friend. Sam was a bit suspicious but didn't push things too much.

*After the hunt*

(I was going to write about the hunt but then decided not to cause I suck at writing and I'm lazy 👌)

"Alright Dean. Talk"

"No. It's nothing."

"You know I'm gonna keep wondering and bugging you about it until you say something." Sam said with a slightly annoyed tone.

"Fine." He responded with an eye roll.

*A few minutes later*

"So... you like Cas."

Dean sighed loudly. "Yes. Now will you please shut up about it?"

"Yeah- no Dean wait. Hang on a second."

Dean turned to look at Sam with a small death glare.

"You know Cas isn't gonna just stop being our friend just cause you like him. Even if it doesn't ever work out, he'll still be there for us."

Dean stared at the impala for a couple minutes.

"Whatever.." Was all he said before sliding into the drivers seat.

Back at the bunker, Sam hopped into the shower while dean made himself a victory sandwich for killing that werewolf. He thought about what Sam said for a while. He finally decided to just confess his feelings to Cas, and hope for the best.

"Cas? I don't know if you're listening, I mean you're probably not but I don't blame you, I've been a major dick these last few days. I'm sorry man, but I need to talk to you. So... If you're willing to talk...."

Cas appeared behind Dean almost immediately.

"Hello Dean."


"You said you needed to talk to me?"

"Uh.. Yes. Um... *sigh* ugh look Cas, I don't know how to go about this..." He couldn't get himself to say it.

Cas took a step closer to him putting a hand on his shoulder. "It's alright Dean. Just say it." He gave Dean an sincere and understanding look.

"Alright. Cas I-" He took a deep breath. "I.... Love you." He looked down at his shoes.

Cas responded by grabbing Dean's face and smashing his lips against Dean's.

"Took you long enough to say it." He said smiling.

"You- how long have you felt that way Cas?"

"Ever since I brought you back from Hell."

Just then, Sam walked in. "Hey Dea- Oh. Sorry, uh... I'll just go...."

Cas chuckled and kissed Dean again. Sam went into his room and facetimed Eileen.

"Alright I guess I owe you $20."

I guess this is the end of this story. Again, it's short, but I prefer writing short stories like this. It's easier and doesn't take as long to write. 🙂✌

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