Chapter 11- Preparing for the worst

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Hey everyone,

So here is chapter 11.. It is pretty intense but it had to be done, I hope you like it anyway. So guess what,  its Zayn's 20th birthday today! YAAAAY! He's a teenager no more!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRADFORD BAD BOI!!! 

Like always sorry for any mistakes in this chapter.

Cassie x0x0



“Aw don’t scream Hadds it’s just me.” The voice evilly coos at me and I shudder in fear. “Please don’t hurt me.” I whimper and he laughs. “Now why would I want to do that Hadley?” He asks while snickering. “I must say Hadley, it has been a while since we last saw each other and my, my haven’t you grown up a bit.” I don’t reply to him but shy away hoping I can hide under my cascading hair. “Look at me Hadley I want to see those pretty eyes of yours.” “Please, just leave me alone.” I whisper, too scared to talk up. “But we only just started talking, I wouldn’t want to be rude now.” He sneered, enjoying every moment of my growing fear.


Where the hell is Hadley? I left her for five minutes to get us some more drinks only to find she was gone by the time I got back to where Calum was. I’ve been looking for her for ages but I can’t find her. I’m not going to lie, I am stating to get really worried. The partying crowd keeps getting bigger and I promised Tyla I wouldn’t let Hadley out of my sights. What a great friend I am. I need help to find her though, there is no way I can search this whole place myself. As I am thinking of a search plan I see a flash of golden hair and instantly recognise it as Luke. “LUKE! LUKE!” I scream while running up to him. Breathless I tell him about Hadley and he is more than willing to help me look for her. “So she was dancing with you just before she walked off?” I ask him after we realise that he was probably the last person to see her. “Yeah pretty much man. I’m so sorry, I didn’t realise that she would wonder off so far away, I just thought she saw someone else she knew.” He apologises with his head down. “That’s okay you didn’t know and she is probably fine, I just need to find her to make sure.” I say before we set off in search for Hadley.


“NO LET GO OF ME!!!” I beg as I feel myself being yanked up by the arm. “You know Hadley it wouldn’t hurt for you to have some manners.” He says cruelly and I suddenly have a burst of confidence. “You no what, I’m not the same girl as I was last time. I’m not going to stand back and take it. You can’t and won’t hurt me again.” I say with tears flowing freely as I remember those painful memories. So much for not letting him get to me. “Hadley you have no choice. It’s not like it matters anyway though, you know I always get what I want in the end.” These words send shivers throughout my body and I feel myself buckle under me. “Get up.” He says but I can’t move. “I SAID GET UP.” He bellows and pulls my arm so forcefully that I feel my shoulder dislocate from the socket. “ARGHHHH!” I yell in complete agony but it’s like he’s completely oblivious to it. “Please, please don’t do this.” I sob silently. “Move you stupid slut.” He spits and keeps pulling my already dislocated arm. I bite my tongue to keep in the screams that are threating to break free and shuffle my feet along the ground as quickly as possible. “Good girl, you’re finally listening.” He says when I stop fighting him. I feel exhaustion taking over my body as I prepare myself for the worst. I focus on the throbbing pain coming from my right arm, anything is better than thinking about what will happen next. All of a sudden I am pulled to a stop and I reluctantly look up to my see the desolate surroundings. How we got here I have no idea, I wasn’t paying any attention to anything around me.

“So Hadley, I was thinking that we should pick up where we left off.” As soon as the words leave his mouth I shake my head violently in protest but I know that nothing I do or say will stop him. “Hahaha oh Hadley you should know by now not to argue.” He laughs maliciously. I take a huge breath in gulping the air around me before taking a step towards him. If he was going to do it, I’d rather it be done quickly and over as soon as possible… but something tells me he is going to take all the time in the world. “Good, good, now just a bit closer.” He commends me, but when I don’t move anymore he closes the gap himself. Slowly his fingers trace up my face to my hair, for moment he hovers his hand there before yanking it, pulling out some of strands with him. It was his way of telling me that he is in control of everything. Biting back a yelp I stay standing awaiting his next move. He dusts his hands off getting rid of my loose hair in his hands before moving his rough touch to the strap of my top. Without waiting he pushes it down my injured arm, the force jarring my shoulder and sending a new wave of pain through me.

Almost fifteen minutes have passed since he pulled me to this spot and by now I was laying curled up on the ground after being kicked multiple times. I knew that I was going to pass out soon and he knew it as well. This only meant that he would make the next passing minutes even worse. Rapidly he knelt down and stood me up before ripping my shirt off and tugging my skirt down my bruised legs. I shut my eyes tightly anticipating what was about to happen. He pushes me back down onto the ground and jaggedly grabs my face turning back to him, making me look at his face. A possessed like smile crosses over his face as he tears away my underwear and forces himself inside of me. A jolting, stabbing pain breaks through my whole body and the screams I have been holding back finally escape. The pain is too much and I feel myself drifting in and out of consciousness as he continues slamming against me.

As he keeps going I’m not sure if it’s my head pounding or the pounding against the cold pavement. Just as I am about to completely slip away into unconsciousness I hear a noise that makes relief wash over me. It was the sound of people running, breathless and panting. I’m not sure if he heard it but if he did it didn’t seem to phase him at all. Everything I heard went silent before there was a shocked gasp.

“Hadley!” A familiar voice yelled in horror but before I could respond the same voice spoke again. “BEN?!?”  

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