Chapter 5- I'm a little confused..

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Hello everyone, 

Here is chapter 5!! Sorry it took sooo long I have been really busy with exams and then eisteddfods. This chapter is the same as the last one but in Luke's POV if that makes sense.. Anyways as always really sorry for any mistakes. Let me know what you think lovelies :) 

Cassie x0x0



 “Hey do you wanna come over to mine?” I ask Calum who was standing next to me at the bus stop. “Nah man, I can’t I’m going over to Chelsea’s this afternoon.” Calum says trying to hold in a grin. “You and Chelsea huh? Why don’t you ask her out already?” I question him and he turns a light shade red. “No we’re just friends how many times have I told you?” He says trying to be stern. “Friends with benefits?” I say cheekily which earns a punch in my left arm. “Hey I’m just ask-” I start saying but get cut off by someone walking into me. “Oh, um sorry..” The girl says in a whisper and I turn around to look at her. “That’s oka- Oh Hadley hey, what are you doing here?” I say surprised to see her standing in front of me. “Oh hey Luke, Calum. I’m just heading down to the park” She replies and I can’t help but notice that she looks pretty upset. “Aw okay.” I say and she starts talking again before I can keep going. “Do you guys wanna come? I don’t mind.” She asks us and I look at Calum already knowing what he’s going to say. “Sorry I can’t, I have to go now.” He says and I can tell he’s thinking about Chelsea again. “That’s okay.” She smiles and looks at me for an answer. “I’m in, let’s go!” I say happily. We say goodbye to Calum before heading off to the park.

We were walking together in a comfortable silence when Hadley suddenly and excitedly says “I’ll race you to the tyre?” And before I can process anything she was off. I finally made it into the clearing to see her swinging on the tyre. “God you can run fast Hadley!” I exclaim slightly puffed. “Haha yeah track and field age champion right here! Oh and you can call me Hadds.” She says quite cheekily and I make a note of her nickname.  

I watch Hadley as she swings on the tyre giggling every now and then, but I can still tell she’s hiding something. I don’t know whether to bring it up or not, so I just sit there for a while until she gets bored and hops off the tyre and walks over to where  I was now laying down. “What do you wanna do now?” I ask Hadley and she just shrugs her shoulders and sits down next to me. We sit here for at least an hour just talking and finding things out about each other and I constantly find myself laughing at her cuteness. No what am I saying I don’t think she’s cute, I can’t, not right now...

We talk for a bit more before there is an extended silence. I take this chance to look at Hadley and I can tell she’s thinking about something and it’s hurting her deep down. I can’t stand to see her upset so I suddenly break the silence by asking her “So are you okay?” “Uh yeah fine, why do you ask?” She replies reluctantly. “Look I haven’t known you for long, but I can tell something is wrong and if you ever want to talk, I’m here, okay.” I tell her wholeheartedly and she looks almost grateful. “Well, um, there is uh something…” Hadley tries to stutter out. “Do you wanna talk about it?” I ask her again. “Um okay… So the night I met Ashton, we were at this anniversary party mucking around and my um boyfriend, well ex now, called me and uh he well he accused me of cheating on him, with Ashton and then yeah I, I mean it’s not that big a deal but, but well, I…” Hadley struggles to say much else and ends up shaking with tears. I can tell the story goes further than this, but I don’t push for more. I don’t really know what else to do so I pull her close to me engulfing her in my arms and try to gently comfort her.

We stay like this for about 20 minutes before Hadley gets up and wipes her eyes. I don’t bring up the subject again instead we talk about anything and everything but that. I move myself over so I can lie down and then I softly pull Hadley so her head is on my stomach. We continue talking for another half an hour before she looks at her phone. “Um Luke, it’s six o’clock, I should probably get going now.” I hear her say with a hint of disappointment in her voice. “What it’s six already? I should go as well.” I say, surprised at how fast the time has gone. I stand up and pull Hadley up with me and she asks me if I need a lift home. “Nah it’s okay I only live around the corner.” I reply and she calls her brother Tyla to pick her up.

I wait with her until Tyla comes and then start my short walk home. On the way home I can’t stop thinking about Hadley. I know I said I couldn’t start getting attracted to Hadley but she was just so damn cute and pretty and nice and perfect. Wait no Luke stop you like someone else remember, someone that you are planning to ask out on the weekend, the same somebody that you have liked for almost 2 years. I try to think about other things to distract me like the next band meeting and what our next tour will be like, but again I find myself wondering what Hadley really thinks about the band and whether she would want to come on tour with us. I have always had a problem with falling for people way too quickly, but this is just crazy. I need to stop myself before it gets out of control.

As I walk through the front door I am greeted with the smell of lasagne and I am automatically starving. I walk into the kitchen to see mum standing there pulling it out of the oven and I wonder if she will care that I only just got home. “Hey mum.” I say. “Hi Luke. Where have you been?” She says looking at me. “I was down at the park with a friend.” I reply trying to make it sound casual. “And you didn’t think to tell me this?” She says disapprovingly. “Sorry I didn’t realise it was this late..” I say honestly. “Okay, just let me know next time, I was worried.” She shakes her head at me. “Okay sorry again mum.” And with that I walk off to put my stuff away and get changed out of my uniform.

I check my phone to see that I have four missed calls from mum and three unread messages. One of the messages was mum asking where I was, the second was from Michael asking me to call him tonight but it was the third one that made me feel all warm and excited.

From: Emmabear<3

Hey Luke, are we still on for this weekend? Can’t wait to hang out with just you :)

Emma x0x0

I can’t wait for the weekend. I decided to reply back now, instead of waiting till later.

To: Emmabear<3

Hey Em, this weekend is definitely on. I’ll pick you up on Saturday at 11am? Can’t wait.. xxx

I send the message and before I had time to lock my phone I get a reply.

From: Emmabear<3

Yeah that’s fine, I’ll text you my address later :) See you at school tomorrow <3

I read the message and smile to myself, I really like Emma, I can’t believe I waited so long to ask her out but I didn’t really know her properly till this year, since she’s in a few of my classes now. She’s so happy all of the time and she’s so much fun to be around, not to mention that she is so beautiful and the way her green eyes sparkle gives me tingles... Wait Emma has blue eyes, Hadley is the one with amazing green eyes, was I just describing Hadley? No I wasn’t I was meant to say I love the way her blue eyes sparkle. I really did. I couldn’t have meant Hadley... Could I? No Luke you didn’t! You haven’t even known Hadley for two days. Talk about falling to fast.

No I like Emma and I have for 2 years, that’s all there is to it no more, no less. Hadley is just another girl, she is a friend.  Anyway she doesn’t like me, she probably likes Ashton or something they were friends first anyway.

“Luke, dinner’s ready.” Mum calls from the kitchen breaking me out the confusion which is my brain at the moment. “Coming!” I yell before making my way downstairs. Throughout dinner I try to figure out my sudden attraction to the girl I met yesterday but I keep drawing a blank. Hopefully it is something that will pass, and hopefully it passes soon.

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