Chapter 4- Happy again?

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Hey hey hey lovely people, 

Here is chapter four hope you enjoy it and sorry for any mistakes :)


Cassie x0x0



‘Your strumming on my heart strings like you were a grade 8 but i never felt this way,

I’ll pick your feet up off of the ground and never ever let you down,

Your strumming on my heart strings like you were a grade 8 but i never felt this way,

I’ll pick your feet up off of the ground and never ever let you down.’

Uh it’s too early! I think to myself while hitting my bedside table trying to find the button to stop my alarm clock. I don’t want to go to school today. I don’t want to see Mason.

I stumble out of bed and drag myself across the room and into my bathroom to have a shower. I feel butterflies flitting around in my stomach and hope that the hot water will help them disappear. I’m not usually worried about going to school, but I guess I have a reason to be now…

Standing in the shower isn’t really helping my nerves but I don’t think anything could right now.

I’m just overreacting I keep telling myself, but it was hard for me to trust Mason after what Ben did and I never saw Ben again after that day, but I’m going to have to face Mason every day.

I finish my shower and get dressed into my school uniform before going to do my hair. I decide to leave it wavy and tie it in a side ponytail that hangs over my shoulder. I’m not in the mood to put any make-up on, so I leave my bathroom and go downstairs to have breakfast. “Hey Hadds!” Tyla smiles at me. “Morning Ty..” I say glumly before going to pour myself some Coco Pops and milk. “What’s wrong?” He questions following me to the dinning tale. “Nothing.” I mumble and keep eating. “Do you want me to give you a lift to school today?” He asks trying to break the tension. “Yeah, if you want to.” I reply and get up to throw my remaining food away. I go back up to my room to brush my teeth, put on my shoes and grab my school bag before drearily walking back downstairs. “I’m ready Tyla.” I call out before grabbing his keys and walking to the car.


“Hadley wait up, HADLEY!!!” I hear someone yell out to me as I’m walking into school. “Uh what?” I say turning around to find the school’s ‘mean girl’ standing beside me… What does she want? “So I heard about you and Mason breaking up?” She says matter-of-factly. “Yeah, what about it?” I say back with no emotion. “What a shame huh?.” She says with fake sympathy. “Look is this going anywhere or are you just here to rub it in?” I bitterly reply and speed up my pace. “Well not really, I just want to know what it’s like to be dumped so many times?” She asks with a chuckle. “You should no.” I say before storming off in the wrong direction to where I should be going.

Uhhh I hate her so much.

“Hadley. Hadley Spencer, pay attention or you will find yourself in the principal’s office very soon.”  I look up to see Ms Scarabello my maths teacher clicking her fingers in my face. “Sorry Ms..” I mumble and go back to staring out the window. Maths is my last subject of the day and I am so glad I can leave after this. Ava wasn’t at school today, who knows why, so I had to endure the whole day with everyone asking me why Mason and I broke up over and over again. Why do people care so much? It’s not any of their business. If Ava was here she would have made me feel better or done something to help… Speaking of, I haven’t actually told her about Mason and I yet, I should probably do that when I get home.

Walking to bus stop was another challenge in itself, especially when it starts pouring down with rain and I still have people asking me how I am. Seriously why is my love life so interesting to them? I feel like I’m in a bad soap opera and it’s only been a day. Oh well hopefully they will forget about it soon, there will be more interesting gossip tomorrow, that’s how high school works.

As I get on the bus I realise that I don’t really want to go home yet, but where can  I go? Then I remember the park, the one we went to yesterday, the same one that I used to go to every weekend when I was little. The bus stops and I look up to see this is where I need to get off. I grab my bag off the seat next to me and leave the bus and all of the judgmental eyes behind me.

It’s still raining lightly as I walk down the street to the park, but I don’t really notice it. I don’t notice anything to be honest. I’m off in my own little world again thinking about.. you guessed it, Mason and Ben and how they could both hurt me in the same way, well Ben was worse but still.

It’s probably the fact that I am completely unaware of surroundings that has me stumbling right into the backs of two boys. “Oh, um sorry..” I say but it comes out in barely a whisper. “That’s oka- Oh Hadley hey, what are you doing here?” I hear a familiar voice ask. “Oh hey Luke, Calum. I’m just heading down to the park” I say looking at both of them. “Aw okay.” Luke replies. “Do you guys wanna come? I don’t mind.” I ask. “Sorry I can’t, I have to go now.” Calum says. “That’s okay.” I smile and look at Luke. “I’m in, let’s go!” He happily declares. We say goodbye to Calum before heading off to the park.

“I’ll race you to the tyre?” I say to Luke excitedly and run off before giving him a chance to reply. It’s funny how just being at this park makes me feel so much better. I jump onto the tyre and start swinging on it before Luke comes into the clearing. “God you can run fast Hadley!” Luke exclaims. “Haha yeah track and field age champion right here! Oh and you can call me Hadds.” I say cheekily.

The afternoon passes so quickly and Luke helps me forgot about my worries pretty fast. “So are you okay?” Luke suddenly asks me seriously. “Uh yeah fine, why do you ask?” I say wearily. “Look I haven’t known you for long, but I can tell something is wrong and if you ever want to talk, I’m here, okay.” Luke says earnestly. “Well, um, there is uh something…” I stutter. “Do you wanna talk about it?” Luke asks once again. “Um okay… So the night I met Ashton, we were at this anniversary party mucking around and my um boyfriend, well ex now, called me and uh he well he accused me of cheating on him, with Ashton and then yeah I, I mean it’s not that big a deal but, but well, I…” I struggle to keep going and end up breaking down in tears and all Luke can do is hold me in his lap and comfort me.

After crying in Luke’s arms for about twenty minutes, he didn’t bring up the subject again, instead we just talked about music, movies and everything else but that topic. Well lay there for another half an hour before I look at my phone and see that it six already. “Um Luke, it’s six o’clock, I should probably get going now.” I say. “What it’s six already? I should go as well.” He replies and stands up, pulling me up with him. “Do you need a lift home?” I ask. “Nah it’s okay I only live around the corner.” He says and I call Tyla to tell him to pick me up.

Luke waits with me until Tyla comes and then I watch him walk away and disappear around the corner. “Hey Hadds.” Tyla says cheerfully as I get into the car. “Hey Ty.” I say before drifting off into thoughts about Luke and this afternoon. I was in a happy place right now, for the first time in a while and I like this feeling more than anything else.  

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