Chapter 13- Apologies

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Hey everyone!

Finally here is chapter 13, YAY! I know I keep taking forever to upload and I keep saying I won't but I was not expecting to be so busy lately. But anyway it's here now! 

Like always sorry for any mistakes and please enjoyy <3

Cassie x0x0



I can’t believe I wasn’t there for her. When she needed me the most I abandoned her. Where the hell was Joel? I thought they were best friends? Wasn’t he supposed to watch her? He promised me he would.

“Tyla stop beating yourself up, it wasn’t your fault.” Hadley whispers like she can read my mind. “No Hadley I wasn’t there when you needed me the most!” I say with frustration. “Seriously Tyla! You didn’t know he was there just stop!!” “I DID HADLEY! I KNEW AND I STILL LET YOU GO!!!” I yell back crying. “Y-You what?” She asks, shock written all over her face. “Well I didn’t know he would be at the party, but I knew he was back in town. I’m so, so sorry Hadds.” The mood in the room stiffened as she took a sharp breath in. “W-Why didn’t you tell me? WHAT ON EARTH WERE YOU WAITING FOR TYLA? OR WERE YOU TOO BUSY IN YOUR LITTLE BUBBLE WITH MIA?!?” Hadley screams in my face, but winces from her injuries. I shoot my arms out to comfort her and she struggles to push me off. “Just leave Tyla, I need time to think.” I nod lightly and whisper another “I’m so sorry” before walking out. Mum and dad are sitting a few chairs away chatting quietly, I wonder if they heard everything…

“How is she?” Mum asks when I sit down completely oblivious to what just happened in that little room. “Um same as before.” I mumble and dad puts his arm around my shoulders. If only they knew they would hate me as well.


It’s all my fault! If only I stayed with her none of this would have happened.

As much as I want to I can’t get myself off my bed to go to the hospital. I’m too scared of what I will see. I know it’s selfish of me but I don’t want to see her like that and all because of me.

“Joel someone’s here to see you.” My mum calls from down the hall. I sluggishly get off my bed and slump down the corridor to the front door. “Ava what are you doing here?” I ask surprised to see Hadley’s old friend standing in my doorway. “Can I please talk to you?” She asks and I lead her to my room. “What do you want?” I ask and it comes out a lot harsher than I expected. “Oh hi to you to.” She says and shoot her a look to say I’m not in the mood. “Okay, okay. I just want to know how Hadley is? Have you heard anything?” She asks. “Find out yourself.” I say back plainly and Ava looks at me with shock. “Well I don’t know if you’ve noticed but we’re not exactly on speaking terms.” She says sarcastically. “What so you wait until she’s her weakest to go crawling back. Wow Ava how big of you.” I spit. “No, no that’s not what I meant, I’m genuinely worried about her.” “Well like I said, find out yourself. Now if you don’t mind I have a best friend to visit.” And with that I decide it’s finally time to go and see Hadley.


What did I do? Was I too harsh on Tyla? Did he really deserve that? I just can’t believe he’d keep something like that from me.

A quiet knock on the door pulled me back out of my thoughts and I look up to see Joel standing there looking like a mess. His hair is messy, his eyes are red and he looks like he hasn’t slept in days.

“Hey Jo Jo.” I say smiling. “I thought I told you to never call me that again!” He whines. And I laugh but end up coughing in pain. “Oh my god Hadley, I’m so sorry.” He gushes running over to me like the realisation hit me. “Hey, hey, hey you have nothing to be sorry about.” I reassure him. “Yes I do. If I just stayed with you none of this would have happened.” He says, the pain evident in his eyes. “You don’t know Ben, he would have got his way in the end, you had nothing to do with it.” “How the hell did you end up being the one reassuring me?” Joel asks and I laugh lightly, careful not to jar my ribs or shoulder.

Joel stays keeping me entertained for a couple of hours until I convince him to go home and get some sleep.

Just as I think all my visitors for today have come and gone the door opens once again.

“Hey Hadds.” A voice whispers and I immediately know who it is. “Luke!” I say perking up. “How are you feeling? If you’re too tired I’ll just come back tomorrow.” He rushes out and I silence him. “I’m alright, I mean I’ve been better but I’m doing okay for now.” I sigh. “Hadley, I’m so sor-” I cut him off before he can finish his sentence. “No you are not sorry because you have nothing to be sorry about. It was not your fault, it was not Joel’s fault, it was not Calum’s fault, it was not Michael’s fault, it was not Ashton’s fault, and it was not Tyla’s fault…” I say but trail off remembering what Tyla told me earlier today. “Hadley? What’s wrong?” Luke asks knowing something is up. “I-It’s nothing, don’t worry about it.” I stutter. “Hadley, I understand you’re upset, but trust me talking about will help.” He says sincerely and I decide it’s time to tell him everything. 

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