Chapter 1- Anniversary party

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Hey everyone, 

Here is the first chapter. It's not very long and it's kinds boring but I promise it will get more interesting, this was just kinda the introductory chapter and the rest of 5SOS will be introduced in the next chapter as well (:

Also sorry for any mistakes 

Cassie x0x0



“Ava, what am I supposed to wear to a 15 year wedding anniversary?” I ask my best friend, while frantically searching my closet for something nice but not overly dressy. “What about that red dress you bought the other day?” “Huh? Oh yeah, I forgot about that.” I say before going to the pile of shopping bags in the corner of my room that I couldn’t be bothered to put away. I dig through the bags for a little longer, before pulling out my tight fitting red dress with three quarter length sleeves and a thin black belt that goes above the waist. “This one?” I ask her, holding it up in front of me. “Yeah and wear these with it.” She says going to my closet and pulling out my black ankle boot wedges. “Okay, thank you so much." I say quickly before running into my bathroom to get ready. I put on my dress with the shoes, some light make-up and then decide on straightening my long brown hair and tying it up into a high ponytail, so it’s hanging just below my shoulders.

I walk back into my room to be greeted with not just Ava, but my impatient mother telling me to hurry up and get ready and blah, blah, blah. Can she not see I am dressed and now we are waiting for her? Uhh parents sometimes.

“Why can’t you come with me Ava?” I slump down on my bed whining to her. “Aw you’ll be fine hunny, you have to go soon anyway. Speaking of, I should be going, otherwise mum may kill me and I’m already in enough trouble for sneaking out the other night. Bye babe, have fun.” She says before hugging me and leaving my room.

Anyway now I have a minute to myself I should probably introduce myself right? My name is Hadley Spencer, I’m 16, I live in Sydney and have for my whole life, I have a good relationship with my family, especially my older brother Tyla, he’s 18 and we have been really close since I was born. I have green eyes, brown hair to my waist, I have danced since I was 5 and I don’t really have any specific favourite colours. I think that’s it?.. Oh wait how could I forgot about Mason, my boyfriend of 7 months. If I’m not at dancing I’ll most likely be found with Ava or Mason, that’s a given really. Anyway that’s pretty much all that’s worth knowing about me, I’m not a very interesting person to be honest.

“Hadley, Tyla we’re leaving come on.” I hear my dad call out to me from downstairs. “Coming!” My brother and I call in unison and then start laughing uncontrollably, something we've done since we were little.

I walk downstairs, careful not to trip over, but that all goes down the drain when Tyla decides to push me the rest of the way down the stairs. Thanks brother. Luckily I stop myself from face planting by grabbing on to the railings for dear life, and continue my cautious decent down.

By the time we arrive at the party, almost everyone is there already and the music is blasting, although it’s not quite the same atmosphere as the normal parties I attend. “Hey Hadds, do you want a drink?” Tyla asks me through the noise. “Yeah, just a coke please?” I ask him and go back into my daydream.

“Hey Ashton, how you been man?” I hear my brother loudly ask someone. “Tyla? Long time know see. I’m good, what about you?”  Curiosity gets the better of me and I turn around to see who it is that Tyla is speaking to and I find myself looking at one attractive young lad. I thought I would take it upon myself to go and introduce myself, since there was nothing better to do here.

“Hey Ty, who’s this?” I ask Tyla politely. “Hadley this is an old mate of mine Ashton, and Ashton this is my sister Hadley.” He introduces us “Nice to meet you Hadley, how come I’ve never met you before now?” Ashton asks. “Nice to meet you as well. I don’t know, Tyla was probably worried I’d outshine him.” I say winking in Tyla’s direction. “Heh keep wishing Hadds, keep wishing.” He smirks back at me, before walking off to get another drink.

Ashton and I talked for the rest night and I learnt that he is in a band, 5 Seconds of Summer, and I promised him that I would YouTube them as soon as I got home. We were in the middle of discussing who was better at making fish faces- don’t ask me why, when I was interrupted my phone ringing. I answer it without looking at the caller ID and was still in the middle of a laughing fit with Ashton when I hear person on the other end of the line speak to me. 

???: “Hadley, are you there?”

Me: “Hello?”

???: “What’s going on? I’ve tried ringing you like 10 times.”

Me: “Mason? Sorry I couldn’t hear my phone, what’s up?”

Mason: “Nothing really,  was just calling to see how the party is going.”

Me: Yeah it’s alright- haha Ashton, stop, I’m on the phone!”

Mason: “Who’s Ashton?”

Me: “A guy I met here, he’s one of Tyla’s old friends.”

Mason: “What are you guys doing?”

Me: “We are just talking, god Mason calm down.”

Mason: “Why are you getting all defensive? I just asked you a question. Wait are you lying to me Hadley?”

Me: “What no, why would I be lying?”

Mason: “I don’t know you sound pretty chummy with him?”  

Me: “What the HELL are you trying to say?”

Mason: “I don’t know? You tell me!”

Me: “I cannot believe you!!”


I hang up the phone and look at the ground. “Hey you okay?” Ashton asked me softly. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. It’s just my boyfriend being overprotective.” I sniffle trying not to cry, I can’t believe Mason would think I was lying. Does he not know me at all?

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