Chapter 2- It may be the end, but it's also the beginning

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Hey hey hey,

Here is chapter 2 (:

2 in two days WOOO!!! Anyway, I said I would introduce the rest of the boys in this chapter and I did, but there's not much about them yet, but this time i mean it when I say there WILL be more of them in the next chapter..

Again so sorry for any mistakes 

Cassie x0x0



“I’m sorry babe, I didn’t mean it, I swear.” He pleaded “What do you mean, you didn’t mean it? There not much else you could have meant!” I spat back “Well what you do expect me to think huh?” He said back, matching my tone. “Well I don’t know, definitely not that Mason.” I said before turning on my heal and storming off.


The anniversary party was last night and now I am sitting on my bed thinking about today’s earlier events. Mason rang me this morning, to meet him at the park. I didn’t want to go, but a small part of me wanted to know what he would say. So I went and we ended up having another argument about last night. I just cannot believe him. He actually thinks I would cheat on him and with Ashton? The guy I met all but two hours before. Is that really what he thinks of me? How nice to know.

I don’t realise I am crying until the warm liquid spills onto the pillow that is sitting in my lap. I try to stop the tears but they keep flowing at a steady pace.

Most of you probably think I’m overreacting right? But I have my reasons, reasons that I am still scarred with today. This whole situation is so much worse because Mason is one of the only people who knows my secret, as well as Tyla and Ava. Yet he still goes and does this, the exact same way everything else started. I think about when he asked me out and how he promised to never hurt me like Ben did. But he has, and it’s worse than he thinks.

The tears flow uncontrollably now and I try to muffle the sounds by going under the blanket, but it obviously doesn’t work, because I feel the end of my bed sink down with the weight of another body. I peer out from under the covers to see Tyla sitting there looking around my room awkwardly. When he sees me he comes over and wraps his arms around my shoulders. I stay there with my head snuggled into his neck and silently crying for about ten minutes until he sighs, and moves me so he can see my face.

“What’s wrong Hadds?” He asks sympathetically. I haven’t told him about last night yet, I was nervous not just about telling him, but about what he will do to Mason. I don’t know why I should be worrying about Mason right now but I am.

I pluck up the courage to tell him but it comes out sounding like a jumbled murmur. “What?” He asks confused and I take a deep breath and start again. “O-okay, so you know how I spent most of last n-night with A-Ashton?” I ask him with a sniffle. “Yeah?” He replies warily. “Well w-we were, talking and l-laughing and stuff when Mason c-called me, and h-he accused me of c-cheating on him w-with Ashton.” I finish in sobs. “He did what?” Tyla asks angrily. “I-I know it’s not a big deal, it’s just after B-B-Ben, I-I… I can’t believe he would say that Tyla. Does he not know me? Does he actually think I w-would? I am absolutely inconsolable now, saying it out loud hasn’t really helped either.

“Shh Hadds, shhh.” He tries to comfort me gently and soothingly, but it doesn’t help. “I-I can’t even.. After everything..” I cry into Tyla’s shoulder. “I will kill him for this, he knows not to cross that line, but he did, no one messes with my little sister and gets away with it!” He says furiously. “No, don’t do it Ty, he’s not worth it.” I weakly plead. “I’m not making and promises and you better not take him back Hadley.” He firmly states. “But, what if he didn’t mean it Tyla? He did say sorry this morning.” I question. “No Hadley, you know what happened with Ben and you can’t afford this, I can’t believe you went and saw him this morning as well.” He pleads. I know what he is saying is for the best, but is this what I want? Who am I kidding, I should just go and end it now. “Will you come with me?” I ask him. “To break up with him? My pleasure.” He says standing up. “Please don’t do anything?” I beg. “We will see.” He says as he pulls me up off my bed.

I hesitate out the front of Mason’s house, stewing over what to say. I made Tyla stay in the car, I had to do this alone. I walk up to his door and knock three times. I hear footsteps approaching the door and I feel my palms slowing starting to sweat. “Hello?” Mason says while opening the door. “Um hi?” I say as more of a question than a greeting. “Oh Hadley, I uh didn’t expect you? Um what’s up?” He says awkwardly scratching his neck. “Look Mason, I can’t do this anymore.” I say trying to keep my tears from spilling. “Wait, what are you saying? Are you breaking up with me?” He replies surprised. “Well, uh yeah, I just can’t, not after last n-night..” I stammer. “After last night, seriously? That’s a bit extreme don’t you think?” He spits. “NO IT’S NOT MASON, YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND. I TOLD YOU ABOUT BEN. YOU’RE ONE OF THE ONLY PEOPLE THAT KNOW!!!” I yell in his face. “Ben, this is about Ben? Seriously? Get over it Hadley, the past is the past.” He cruelly and sarcastically laughs. “I HATE YOU!” I scream before running back sobbing to the car. But before I could get to the car I hear a sickly sweet voice say “You okay baby? Who was that?” I turn around just in time to see Mason with his arms around some red haired girl, stuttering out “Oh she was uh, um nobody… Let’s get back to where we left off shall we?” “YOU’RE PATHETIC!! YOU ACCUSE ME OF SOMETHING ONLY YOU WOULD DO!!!!” I scream at the top of my lungs before sprinting back to the car.

“Can I kill him now?” Tyla asks fuming as soon as I get into the car, he obviously heard everything. “Just leave it Tyla he’s not worth it.” I say sadly, while snuggling into Tyla’s arms. “Hey do you wanna go somewhere?” Tyla asks me suddenly. “Uh yeah I-I guess so, where?” I ask. “Well you and Ashton got along pretty well last night, we can go to his?” He says, while picking up his phone to text Ashton. “Yeah o-okay.” I say still shaken up

“What’s that music?” I ask Tyla as we arrive as Ashton’s front door. “Oh yeah, his band are at his house rehearsing at the moment.” “Oh great, and I look like this!” I say gesturing to myself. “Stop, you look fine, anyway why does it matter?” He asks me. “Don’t worry, you’re a guy, you wouldn’t understand.” I say putting my head down and Tyla scoops me into another hug. “You will be okay you know? You’ll find someone else so much better.” Tyla says matter-of-factly and I just sigh and knock on the door.

“Hey Tyla, hey Hadley, come on it.” Ashton greets as he opens the door for us. I smile at Ashton, while he and Tyla start talking about something else, leaving me trailing behind. “Hey boys this is Tyla and Hadley.” Ashton introduces us to the three boys sitting in the lounge room. “Hey.” They all smile before coming to introduce themselves. The boy with the dark brown hair is Calum, the one with the side fringe is Michael and then the last one, with blonde hair and blue eyes, was possibly one of the best looking boys I have seen, is Luke.

I go and sit on the couch and Ashton comes and sits down next to me. “So did you end up YouTubing us?” He asks with a cheeky smile. “Haha no not yet, I was a bit… preoccupied today.” I say I little glumly at the thought of today. “Well how would you like a private concert then?” He says and I can’t say no, so I just nod my head like a crazy seal.

The boys are amazing, like wow. I can’t believe I haven’t heard of them before. I’m not usually one for the ‘boy bands’ but 5SOS seem different, and I like it. 

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