Chapter 12- An unlikely rescue

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Hey everyone,

New chapter time, yaaay! Sorry for not updating regularly, but I will try to fix that this year! So the holidays are almost over which means I'm going into grade 12, my last year of school :O I'm not sure where all the time goes but it's gone so quickly.. 

Anyway like every other time sorry for any mistakes and please enjoy <3

Cassie x0x0



“Hadley!” A familiar voice yelled in horror but before I could respond the same voice spoke again. “BEN?!?” 

A wave of relief washes over me at the sound of the voice, but then there was also confusion clouding my mind. What was Mason doing here?

“MASON?!” Ben screams back in shock, I don’t think he expected to see him, but neither did I. “Shit, what the fuck are you doing here?” Ben yells and Mason takes a step back in fear. With the crazed looked in Ben’s eyes now burning into Mason, I take me chance to try and get away, but in this split second I forget about my injuries and all my plans of escape quickly collapse, quite literally…

Just as the stare down between Mason and Ben becomes more intense the pounding of feet on concrete becomes apparent and soon five people show up with looks of relief yet worry. “Hadley!!” A voice yells and I can hear the feet running over to me. Soon a swarm of boys surround me. The dull street light helps me see that the boys are Joel, Luke, Ashton, Calum and Michael. These usually loud and happy people are now the most concerned and hesitant bunch I’ve seen. “Hadley are you okay?” Joel whispers in my ear, like he’s scared sudden noise will break me. “I-I don’t think s-so.” I choke out and all the boys take this as a cue to try and help me. The pain is too much to bear so I lean on Ashton and Joel, while the other boys stand like guards around me.

Now that I am standing I can what’s going on with Mason and Ben but it doesn’t look like much has gone down, this is until Ben turns around and I see that the left side of his face is swollen. It takes me a little while to put two and two together but then I realise, Mason hit Ben. “M-Mason w-w-why?” I barely manage to stutter out and he looks at me with a look he hasn’t given me in a long time. My heart melts a little but then I remember what he did to me as well.

“Come on, let’s get you out of here.” Michael says quietly and the boys start walking forward with me. Ben looks me straight in the eyes sending shivers down my back, but I keep the eye contact and slightly shake my head. How on earth did I fall in love with that monster?”


Why does it hurt so much to breathe? Why is my head pounding so much? Where am I? I have so many unanswered questions swirling around my head, no wonder it hurts. I look around the room my eyesight coming into focus and it only takes a second for me to figure out I’m lying on a hospital bed. I bright and crisp white was a dead giveaway, not too mention I’ve spent a bit of time here…

“Hadley, oh my god are you awake?” My mums voice fills my silent room and I slowly turn my head in her direction. She looks like hell. Her hair is unbrushed, she has bags under her eyes and her clothes are crinkled. My dad is sitting next to mum and he doesn’t look much better than she does.

“W-What happened?” I ask and sorrow and dread fill my parents eyes and that’s all they need to do for me to remember the pervious events. “What’s the damage this time?” I ask extremely reluctant, but I need to know. “Hunny please don’t freak out.” Mum says worried. “I won’t, please just tell me.” “Well it’s not as bad as last time b-but I-I Cant b-believe he-he got you again.” Mum says, little sobs escaping her lips so dad started talking instead. “He dislocated your right shoulder, fractured two ribs, severe bruising all over your body and a concussion.” Dad finishes and I let out a deep sigh, despair filling me.

The silence takes over the room again, but not for long because the door bursts open and in runs Tyla. He stops at my bedside, tears in is eyes threatening to spill over. “Hadley, I’m so, so sorry I wasn’t there to protect you. I’m so, so sorry Hadds.” He cries and I shake my head. “Tyla it’s not your fault, you didn’t know he was going to be there and it’s not your job yo guard me 24/7. You have a life as well.” I say and he leans down and hugs me gently. I really have the most amazingly caring brother.

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