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She stood two places ahead of me in the lunch line at the IITM (Indian Institute of Technology Madras )mess. I checked her out from the corner of my eye, wondering what the big fuss about this Chennai girl was.

'SIVAANGI KRISHNAKUMAR - Best girl in the fresher batch', seniors had already anointed her on the dorm board. We had only twenty girls in the batch of two hundred. Good looking ones were rare, girls don't get selected to IIT for their looks. Girls like Sivaangi, if and when arrive by freak chance, become instant pin-ups in our testosterone-charged, estrogen-starved campus.

Sivaangi : That's not rasam. Whatever it is, it's definitely not rasam. And what's that, the dark yellow stuff.

Mess worker : Sambar ( he growned )

Sivaangi : Eew, looks disguisting! How did you make it?

Mess worker : You want or not?

She said yes in a very low voice. The mess worker dumped a yellow lump on my plate.

Sivaangi : Excuse me, I am before him.

Mess worker : What do you want? You are calling rasam not a rasam. You make an angry face when you see my sambar. I see a hundred people everyday but they don't complain.

Sivaangi : And that is why you don't improve maybe they should complain.

Mess worker : You want to complain? Go to mess manager and complain

The mess worker turned to me, seeking sympathy. I almost nodded. She looked at me for the first time into my eyes. I am sure that look is not sweet, infact she stared at me and asked, ' Can you eat this? '. That tone was strong and bold. I had never seen any girl talking like this before. I somehow gave an eye saying ' Am trying this'.

I took a spoonful of sambar to taste it. Warm and salty, not an eatable stuff. And this doesn't seem new to me as I've been here for 3 years. I saw her the way she is eating.Her face was pink, prettier.

Ashwin : It's disgusting.

Sivaangi : See, this is what is been offered here.

Ashwin : I've been in this institute for Three years.

Sivaangi : So what, you should tell them what you feel.

I moved along with her to desserts area. The only fear I had was what will be the next cause she that will get into a deep heat. On desserts area,

Ashwin : Why don't you eat rasagullas? They taste good

Sivaangi : Give me two rasagullas.

Mess worker : You will get this after you finish meal.

Sivaangi : Who are you? My mother? Give me two rasagullas now.(She scolded)

Mess worker : Only one rasagulla per student.

Sivaangi : Oh come on, there are no limits for that disgusting sambar but only one of what is edible.

The line grew behind us. The boys in line didn't mind, they had a chance to stare at her

Ashwin : Give mine to her.

She will never date me I said to myself. But the mess worker gave me one rasagulla and I just passed it to her pretending to be good in front of her. She took the two rasagullas and moved out of the line.

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