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Ashwin : Mom, this is Sivaangi. Sivaangi, my mother. ( I said when we reached the premises. )

Sivaangi extended her arm to shake my mother's hand. My mother looked shocked. While Sivaangi touching her feet would be too much, I felt Sivaangi should have stuck to a Namaste. Anything modern doesn't go down well with parents.

Sivaangi : Hello, aunty. I have heard so much about you

Ashwin's mom: Actually, since I have arrived I am only hearing about you.

Ashwin : Let's sit down. Sivaangi, where is your family?

Sivaangi : My mother takes forever to put on her sari. I came first to get good seats.

Sivaangi wore the same peacock blue sari that she wore to her interview.She caught me staring and blew a kiss. Fortunately, my mother didn't notice. I shook my head, beseeching Sivaangi to maintain decorum. 

Sivaangi's parents arrived ten minutes later. 

Sivaangi : Hello mom ( stood up, her voice her cheerful best. )

Both Sivaangi and her mother started talking in Tamil.

Sivaangi's father took out his camera and started taking random pictures of everything around us – the lawns, the stage, the chairs,the mikes. Little brother didn't have much to do but looked uncomfortable in his new button-down collar shirt. My mother heard them talk and her mouth fell open.

Ashwin : Get up. Let us introduce ourselves.

Ashwin's mom: They are Madrasi?

Ashwin : Shsh, Tamilian.

Ashwin's mom: Tamilian?

Sivaangi continued the introductions. 

Sivaangi : Mom, this is Ashwin, and this is Ashwin's mother.

Sivaangi's mom : Hello

Sivaangi : Isn't this cool? Our families meeting for the first time.

Sivaangi's father : Ashwin's father has not come?

Ashwin's mom: He is not well. He is a heart patient.Advised not to travel.

My mother faked it so well, even I felt like sympathizing with her. 

Sivaangi : I better go, I'm one of the first ones.

I sat like sandwiched between my mother on one side and Sivaangi's mother on the other. 

Ashwin : You want to sit next to Sivaangi's mother? ( asked to my mother )

Ashwin's mom: Why? Who are these people?

Ashwin : Don't panic, mom. I said it because I have to join that line soon

Ashwin's mom: Then go. I have come to see you, not sit next to Madrasis. Now let me watch

The chief guest started the diploma distribution. The audience broke into continuous applause for the initial students. 

Ashwin : Get to know them. We'll probably go for lunch together. ( I told to my mother ).

Ashwin's mom: You go for lunch with them. I can eat alone

Ashwin : Mom....

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