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Ashwin: Hello! I am Ashwin.

Balakrishnan: I know. And I am your boss.

Then we shook hands.

Balakrishnan: Welcome to the family.

Ashwin: Family?

Balakrishnan: The Accenture family. An Irish-based multinational company that provides consulting and professional services. New MBAs would die to get a chance to start straight in this group.

I smiled.

Then next day I went to Sivaangi's house as she called me.I pressed the doorbell even as a buzzing grinder drowned the ring. 

Ashwin: Hello sir! I am Ashwin. Sivaangi's friend.

Sivaangi's father: Oh, come in.

I stepped inside and handed him the gift pack. 

Sivaangi's father: Shoes!

Ashwin: What?

He pointed at the shoe rack outside the house. 

I removed my shoes and checked my socks for smells and holes. I decided totake them off too, I went inside. 

Sivaangi's father: Don't step on the rangoli.

I looked down. My right foot rested on a rice flour flower pattern.

Ashwin: Sorry, I amreally sorry, sir.

Sivaangi's father: It's OK. It can't be fixed now.

Then we went inside.

Sivaangi's father: Sit.

We sat opposite each other as I faced Sivaangi's dad for the first time in my life.I strained my brain hard for a suitable topic.

Ashwin: Nice place.

Sivaangi's father: What is nice? No water in this area.

I hung my head, as if to apologize for the water problem in Mylapore.

Uncle opened the newspaper, which blocked his face from mine. I didn't know ifit was intentional. I kept quiet and turned to the man with the tambura. I smiled,but he didn't react. The house had an eerie silence. A Bangalore house is never thissilent even when people sleep at night.

I bent forward to see if uncle was reading the paper or avoiding me. Uncle caught me peeking over him and grunted.

Sivaangi's father: What?

Ashwin: Nothing.

Uncle continued to read for five minutes. I had an opportunity to speak again when he turned the page. 

Ashwin: No one is at home, sir?

Sivaangi's father: Where will they go?

Ashwin: I can't see anyone.

Sivaangi's father: Cooking. Can't you hear the grinder?

I didn't know if Sivaangi's father was naturally like this or extra grumpy today.Maybe he is pissed about me being here,I thought.

Sivaangi's father: You want water?

Ashwin: No sir.

Sivaangi's father: Why? Why you don't want water?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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