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Then me and my mom reached bangalore,

My mom was chopping ladies finger for lunch,

Ashwin's mom: What are you reading with such concentration?

Ashwin: It's the Accenture new employee form. I have to fill fifty pages. They want to know everything, like where was your mother born.

I had come home for the two-month break before joining Accenture. Even in April, Bangalore temperature had already crossed forty degree centigrade. There wasn't much to do, apart from calling Sivaangi once a day or waiting for her call.  I sat with my mother as she prepared lunch. My father wasn't home, nobody really sure or caring about where he was. 

Ashwin: I'll write Bangalore.

Ashwin's mom: Is this the form where you fill your location preference?

I looked at her hands, a little more wrinkled then before I left to join college.She cut the top and tail of a ladies finger and slit it in the middle. 

Ashwin: Yes.

Ashwin's mom:You chose Bangalore, right?

I kept quiet. 

Ashwin: What? (I stammered)Yes I will.

The phone rang. I rushed to pick it up. It was Sunday and cheaper STD rates meant Sivaangi would call at noon. 

Sivaangi: Hi, my honeybunch.

Ashwin: Obviously, your mother is not around right?

I spoke in a low volume as my mother kept her eyes on the ladies finger but ears on me.

Sivaangi: Of course not. She's gone to buy stuff for Varsha Porapu puja tomorrow..

Ashwin: Varsha what?

Sivaangi: Varsha Porapu, Tamil new year. Don't you guys know?

Ashwin: Uh, yes of course, Happy New Year.

Sivaangi: And have you sent in your Accenture form yet.

Ashwin: No, have to fill a few final items.

Sivaangi: You've given Chennai as your top location choice?

Ashwin: I will....wait.

I picked up the phone and went as far from my mother as the curly landline wire allowed me.

Ashwin: 'My mother expects me to put Bangalore. (I whispered)

Sivaangi: And what do you want? Infosys has placed me in Chennai. I told you weeks ago. How are we going to make this work?

Ashwin: We will. But if I come to Chennai, she'll know it is for you.

Sivaangi: Fine, then tell her that.

Ashwin: How?

Sivaangi: I don't know. They didn't give me a choice, else I would have come to Bangalore. I miss you Ashwineyyy, a lot. Please, baby, come soon.

Ashwin: She is watching me, so I better hang up.

Sivaangi: Please say "I love you".

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