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The watch showed 10:30. We were walking in the streets that paved way for our rooms. We walked for a moment in silence before she spoke.

Sivaangi : So, tell me. Your parents got many expectations from you.? To take up job and settle.

Ashwin : Yeah, will take up a job for the money first.

Sivaangi : So what do you want to be? Like really?

She looked right into my eyes. I couldn't lie. 

Ashwin : I want to be a writer. ( I said it in a very light tone. )

I expected her to flip out and laugh. But she didn't. She nodded and continued to walk.

Sivaangi : What kind of writer?

Ashwin : Someone who tells stories that are fun but bring about change too. The pen is mightier than the sword, one of the first proverbs we learnt, isn't it ? Sounds ridiculous?

Sivaangi : No, not really.

Ashwin :  How about you? What do you want to be?

Sivaangi :  Well, I don't know. My mother already feels I'm too ambitious and independent. So I am trying not to think too far. As of now, I just want to do OK in my quiz and make my mother happy. Both are incredibly difficult though.

We reached her room and practiced numerical for the next two hours. She extended her hand to pass the books. I looked into her eyes. Those beautiful eyes, stole me.

Ashwin : Good night.

Sivaangi : Hey, Ashwineyyyyyy

Ashwin : What? How did you call me?

Sivaangi : Ashwineyyy, what's wrong with this?

Ashwin : No, call me by my name - Ashwin.

Sivaangi : No way. I like this name. Hereafter, you are going to be my Ashwineyyyyy.

That word "my" stole my heart. I felt proud as if I did something great. She smiled by saying the name Ashwineyyy. So I let her say it. 

Sivaangi : The stuff you said, about being a writer who brings about change. It is really cool. I mean it.

I smiled.

Ashwin : Thanks and good night.

The next day, she came out of the research assistant's room with her mathematics quiz results. She walked past the queued up students toward me. By this time,everyone on campus knew of her friendship, or as someone would say, siblingship, with me. She wore denim shorts and a pink T-shirt, drawing extra long glances from the boys from our college.

Sivaangi : B-plus, people say it is a good grade.

Ashwin : Your shorts are too short.

Sivaangi : Show me your grade. Ahh!! A minus, you cracked this Ashwineyyyyyyyy.

I didn't say anything and simply was admiring the way she is saying Ashwineyyyyy. In fact. I just gave a hard stare to her.

Sivaangi : Hey, you OK?

I kept quiet.

Sivaangi : Anyway, I owe you a treat. Your numerical saved me. Are you hungry?

I nodded.

Sivaangi : Let's go to Buhari. 

Ashwin : You shouldn't come there like this.

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