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ASHWIN : Do you have something in mind?

SIVAANGI : It's one week to placement and I'm nervous.

ASHWIN : Don't worry, every company has short-listed you. You will hit the jackpot.

SIVAANGI : I'm not nervous about receiving a job offer. What after that?

ASHWIN : After that? Finally, we will have money in the bank. No more scrimping while ordering in restaurants, no more front row seats in theaters, no more second class train travel. College is fun, but sorry, I've had my share of slumming it. Imagine, you can shop every month!

SIVAANGI : I don't like shopping.

ASHWIN : Fine, you can save the money. Or travel to exotic places. You OK?

SIVAANGI : Do you realize we leave campus in four weeks?

ASHWIN : Good riddance. No more mugging and grades, hopefully for life.

Her voice dropped an octave.

SIVAANGI : What about us?

ASHWIN : About us what?

She didn't speak anything, she took her notes and stuffs, and was about to leave my room.

Ashwin: Hey. What's up? I am talking, no? (I extended my arm and stopped her )

SIVAANGI : We could be in different cities in four weeks. It will never be like this again

ASHWIN : What do you mean never? 

SIVAANGI : I want to have a serious discussion.

ASHWIN : Here is the deal. You are the career focused one, I am doing it for the money. So, I will try to get a job in the same city as you. But the issue is, we don't know which city you will be in. So how can I do anything about it now?

SIVAANGI : And what will you do next week? We are all going to get placed around the same time. You can't wait for me to get a job.

ASHWIN :  So let fate play out.

SIVAANGI : And what about our future? Or sorry, I should ask, is there a future?

ASHWIN : I can't really talk about that now.

SIVAANGI : Oh really, can you give me a time in the future when we can talk about the future?

I kept quiet.

ASHWIN : I need time to think.

SIVAANGI : Two years are not enough?

ASHWIN : You know it baffles me.

SIVAANGI : How you men need so much time to think about future and commitment, but how you need no time at all to decide to sleep and chat all night with a girl?

ASHWIN : Sivaangi..!!!

I heard the door slam shut.

The next day, we took a four-kilometre walk outside campus. I wanted to be as far from the madness as possible. Day Zero, or the first day of placement, had ended and I hadn't got a job. 

SIVAANGI : You'll be fine.

ASHWIN : I thought with my grades I will crack Day Zero.

SIVAANGI : Who cares? There're six more days left for placements

We stopped at a roadside vendor for pao-bhaji. She ordered two plates with less butter.

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