Undekha Pyarr !! ... (1)

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" Okay okay !! Bhai knows his work .. so stop reminding us again and again .. " a man cuts the call and murmurs " idiot "

" What happen Aryan .. " a firm voice comes from back ..

Aryan looks towards the door where a man enters with his raised eyebrows ... Dressed in a white shirt and denim jeans looking hot , handsome and breathtaking ..

" VANSH BHAI ! that stupid fellow is irritating me ... by repeating his shit again and again , A Girl will pass by the ST Church holding a red umbrella at 8:00 am bla bla bla!! .. " Aryan was continuously talking while Vansh smiles ..

 " Aryan was continuously talking while Vansh smiles

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( Hayyeee 🙈 , kya smile hai .. )

" I guess it's already 7:50 and you are blabbering all these shit inspite of kidnapping the girl .. " Vansh said looking at his wrist watch ...

Vansh gave angry glares ... For which Aryan gave a nervous smile and puppy look .. Vansh roll his eyes .. As It's his favourite job , giving puppy face ..

" now come on let's move ... "

Vansh moves out with his mens around him followed by Aryan ..


ST Church ..

A girl comes out of the church holding a red umbrella in her hand .... And walks like a tortoise ...
Just then a car comes across her .... Before she could understand something , she pulled inside the car ... And the car leaves from there ...

Girl : " leave me.... "

Her words left incomplete as she was smelled chloroform and in just few seconds she lost consciousness ..

After sometime the car stops in a isolated place ...

" Wow !! Mr. Vansh finally u came !! .. " A man stands over there mumbles in relief as he looks at Vansh , who gets down from the car with attitude ...

" Your work is done Mr Chatterjee now transfer the balance amount in my account .. " he spoke dangerously ..

Chatterjee : " I will ... But Mr. Vansh where is the girl .. I want to see her .. "

Vansh looks at Aryan who was standing beside him ..

Vansh : " Aryan .. bring her .. "

Uday simply nodes his head moving towards the car

" Here she is .. " Aryan opens the door of the car ..

Mr Chatterjee walks on and looks at the girl ... And then at Vansh and Aryan ...

" what rubbish is this... Are you both thinking me a fool or what ?? ... " He shouted in anger ...

Vansh : " Hey ! Mr. what happen ?? .. "

Mr Chatterjee ( angrily ) : " What happen huh !! You are asking me what happen ! ... This girl whom u kidnapped isn't the girl I asked u guys kidnap .. " shouted pointing towards the unconscious girl ..

ℝ𝙸𝔸𝙽𝚂𝙷 𝔸𝙳𝙳𝙸𝙲𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽 ~ 𝑂𝑆 || ✓Where stories live. Discover now