First Night ! ..

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Warning : Just for mature reader !!!!

It is late in the night a big mansion is shown . !! The mansion is fully decorated like a new wedded bride ..!! Well , here's some one has got married ..!!

Bride pov ..

I'm Riddhima today I got married to Vansh ..!! It is my first night... my wedding night ..!! Well I'm excited but a little nervous too ..!!

There are many questions roaming around my mind ..!! And to say I'm scared!

I don't know what he is expecting from me ??..

What will he do ??..

What he might be thinking ??..

Is he thinking the same ??..

My thought were disturbed by my one of my friend ..!!

Sejal : " Now we are leaving , I think Vansh jiju must be waiting for you riddhu , will see you later ..!! " She teased me , isn't it ?? ..

" Arrey No , sejal .. we will meet you tomorrow SWEETHEART !! " She winks at me , actually this is what he calls at the reception .. while my other friends joined her to tease me .. Soon they left me .. here in his room , O sorry .. Our room !! .. Asshh !

Vansh pov ..

I was walking to my room , when a bunch of women came out of my room ..!! I think they have placed my little wife on the bed ..!! She is very cute and innocent !!

I love her from the every first day we met .. she is a little short but very cute and attractive .. I didn't even took a second to say yes for this marriage ..

On our engagement day we were alone when I asked her about her lifestyle and all ..

In which mistakenly I asked her , wether she kissed someone ..!! And her answer was No !!

I was like 😳 !! What No ..!!

From that time I knew I will her first time .. on this thought once I wanted to dance ...

Taking a deep breath , I pushed the door .. and instantly looked it from in ..!!

Authors pov ..

As soon as he enters ..!! Riddhima felt like a cold breeze toucher , making her curl ...

She was sitted on the bed , When he turns to look at her .. while her face was covered behind a veil ..!!

Taking a slow steps Vansh sat near next her ..!! Vansh smiles at her .. , on which she blushes and lowers her head ..!!

" Riddhima .. " Vansh slowly lifts her chin , she again shies when her eyes met his dark brown orbs ..!!

He comes closer and took off her veil to uncover her face which was hidden by her knees ..!! Riddhima couldn't just meet him face to face ..!!

Vansh looks at her " hmm Riddhima ..?? "

Riddhima looks up " Haan !! "

Vansh comes a little close to her ear .. " Riddhima I will take off ur jewellery , It maybe uncomfortable while sleeping !! "

Riddhima slightly nodes , whereas Vansh piece by piece removes her jewellery ..!!

First her nose ring , with a small kiss her nose .. Her breath get hitched .. Then her mang tikka he kisses her forehead .. then both earrings kissing her each earlobe .. Then removes her heavy necklace... her eyes were close since he had start to touch her ..!!

Vansh hold her hands and removes the heavy antic bangles with a small kiss on her wrist ..

All this while Riddhima was breathing heavily , while a shiver was run down her spine ..!! By his every single kiss ..!!

Vansh kissed her , making her lay on the bed ..!!

While Riddhima spoke breaking the kiss " Van.. Vansh no... I'm not comfortable .. "

" Then let me make u comfortable with it .. " Riddhima looks in his hungry eyes , she knew his mind was set , he wanted it there , was nothing what could stop him now ..!!

Vansh leaned a little and kissed her again , While she tried to kiss him back ..!!

In between , Vansh touched her while body shamelessly and open the string of her blouse .. while she unbuttoned his shirt ..!!

" Do you want wild or slow .. " he panted breaking the kiss ..!

Riddhima was not sure even to got further , and here he's asking 'wild or slow' and the answer is slow , off course she is a virgin ..!!

She never experienced this , experience !!!!! , She never talked or even think about this ..!!

" Slow " she replied and was again pulled in a kiss ..!! Within No time they were naked ..

Vansh placed his her one breast in his mouth with other kneading it .. he sucked and nippled till it was swollen ..

" Aaahh !! " She moaned at the contact of their body ..

Later giving both the same , Vansh moved down ..

Riddhima wanted to protest , but gave out a small moan " when he placed his tongue on her pussy ..

In no time Riddhima felt a knot , which she realised " I ... aaahhh... I... aaahh " she tried to say but he was too fast ..!!

" Aaaahhhh!!!! " Vansh tasted her vagina as she cum ...

He got off his pants , standing in his all glory ..

" It's too bi.. big " Riddhima gulps when he positioned himself between her and just placed his dick at her vagina ..

Still it's hurt , she clutches the bedsheet and cried..!! With every time he pushed himself more ..

She screamed with immense pain when he pushed himself in whole she was feeling as someone ripped her body into pieces ...

First he was slow but with each thrust .. it was becoming wild ... She soon hit her orgasm with screamed his name and moaned... Now.. it's turning pleasurable for her..

" Ahhhh , Vanshhh " she cried out ..

Both were sweating badly ... He thrust more , till he hits the climax .. and laid beside her , taking her small figure in his arms ..!!


Hiii !!!!

How was it ???..

Hope you like it ..

And Diya__08 Solly yarr 🥺 next will be yours pakka !!!! ..

I can't give a party for my results .. so this one , Hehehe 😁 ..


Bye , Till I come with next one !!!!!

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