His ! ..

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It was a gloomy day , especially for Riddhima .... Her little body slumped over the grave of her mother ... Her mother passed away three days ago and just now her funeral finished .. It was incredibly difficult for her to face this .. Her mother was her everything , EVERYTHING !

Riddhima was a petite 19-year-old girl. She graduated high school last year , but her desire for college was broken when she found out her mother got sick and she had to work to pay the bills , rent , debt and many more .. She didn't have any other siblings and her so-called father left when she was a 3-year-old baby ..

It was a hard life for Riddhima ... Her mother was the only one who worked until she ended up on a death bed .. Struggles for Riddhima were real ... Her mother didn't allow her to work , wanting Riddhima to have carefree high school life ... But alas !!

" Bye , Ma I'll come tomorrow .. " She said softly , Her voice was soft like petals and it felt calming .. You thought if you touch her , she would break ... Her behavior could easily be mistaken for an innocent child ... Her mother taught her to be strong and kind to other people ... And that thought stuck with Riddhima for the longest ..

She started walking out of the cemetery feeling a huge weight on her shoulders. She couldn't believe that her mother died .... Her mother won't be with her anymore and with that realisation , she started crying ... Big tears were rolling down her cheeks and as no end , the rain started pouring ... Unfortunately , she didn't have an umbrella .. *broken smile* But who cares !

Walking in the heavy rain caused her legs to weaken. She sat against the nearest fence , letting the rain take her away .. . " I wish to join my mom in heaven " She whispered ... Her mother was her best friend and the only person she knew.. Riddhima felt hopeless , But she didn't know after every rain , there is a rainbow ...


Vansh Rai Singhania was mafia boss ... Well known not just in Mumbai , India but in whole Asia , and had Italian roots too ... He was dangerous and always an angry man .. It was like he got up on the left leg every day ... He didn't like disrespect and he would kill for his family without blinking if he ever has one ..

He was already ten years in the business making him already a 31-year-old man ... He experienced everything worse than bad , but never gave up ... He fought for his life and rightfully took his father's title .. Making his look more dangerous , he had a long scar going from his forehead down his eyebrow finishing at the jawline. It was an ugly scar to see , but to him , it was proof of how strong he is ... Why the Mafia Boss title is reserved for him ... JUST HIM !

He never thought that he will meet a girl on the sidewalk , all drenched in rain and unconscious ... Noticing her , he ordered to stop the car , he got out with driver following him with the umbrella ... He leaned down to take a better look ... He gently removed hair from her face , looking at her pale face. Her plump lips turned blue from coldness ...

He thought she looked no more than 16 , but still .. He didn't want to leave her here ... Isn't that weird ??... A mafia boss who kills people is upset seeing a girl like this ... It bothered him to see her like this ...

So he took off his coat and engulfed her with it .. He carefully picked her up and carried her to his car .. He promised himself he will take care of her .. But don't know why !?!

Riddhima's eyelids felt heavy once she started opening her eyes ... Her body felt warm and comfortable on the soft mattress ... The last she remembered was falling unconscious on the street .. Then why she feels so safe now ??? " Am I in heaven ?? " She thought ..

She brought her hand to rub sleepiness off of her eyes ... Her eyes flew open when she heard shuffling next to her .. She propped herself on her elbows and looked at the person .. In the dim room with only two lamps turned on , she noticed the man sitting on the chair and looking at some papers ....

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