The Scar ! .. ( Epilogue )

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" You knew we got intimate " She look straight into his eyes ..

They got INTIMATE .. When ? , How ? .. she never knew ..

Here , she was feeling disgust with her body ... Which was touch by someone ..

But the someone Came out as her own husband ..

" Ridd .. Riddhima , liste .. listen to me " vansh gently pull her hand and cares it ..

Riddhima look up and pulling her hand off she ran down backyard .. crying alot when it started to rain drenching her ..

Vansh follows her down to the backyard .. " Riddhima , let's go in .. It's not good your and our.... " He was apparently cut ...

" Just leave Vansh !! " She shouted " You know it's pains here ( she pointed toward her heart ) Why you didn't declared to me .. And .. And How we got .. Why .. Why I d.. don't rem ..." she breath heavily .. her words were losing and so was her body ..

She whispered it again and again .. till was complete out of her conscious ..

" Riddhima !?! " He pat her cheeks , and took her up to the bedroom , when he found her heating up ..

Whole night vansh continuously placed wet handkerchief , making her body calm down ..

Next morning , when Riddhima shutter open her eyes. Getting the best view of her husband ...

But this time his body was curled , and rested in the corner of the bed in an uncomfortable position ...

When she tried to lift she found a cloth on her forehead ... Her eyes watered , he definitely love her , ain't he ???

Yes !! He do .. The same mistakes she did before , she repeated .. She again misunderstood him ..

Why will he take an advantage of her ??.. She sniffed encircling her belly .. She mistook the father of her baby ...

" Is my baby angry on me !?! " She softly said , and again cry ... Her sniff got too more , when the baby in her womb didn't reply ..

" You hate your mumma too !! " She cried making vansh jerk off ...

" Riddhima are you okk !?! " He cupped her face while she cried more ....

" What ha.. happen , do you still hate me .. I .. will lea ... Leave then " he asked with heavy heart ...

" NO " She shouted pulling him in bone crush hug ... " I will screw you .. if you where ask to leave me .. " did you get that " she titled her head staring him ...

For a second he was shocked to the core , but her next move made his heart flutter ..

" Never leave me !! " She rest her right palm on his cheeks and next pull him in a kiss ....

Taking a sweet time , they broke the contact .. He kissed her whole face and pull her close , very close ..

" Vansh !?! " She asked .. he took a deep sigh

" Riddhima the day I rescued you .. You was shivering in cold .. And the only way to save you was ....... ( He stops ) I .. I never .. "

" I love you , there's no needs of explanation .. " her one sentence teared him ....

" I love you too Riddhima " he happily cried and close his eyes ... With a bright smile he started thinking the future of them which holds many thing For Him , For Her , And most important Their Baby ...

" Vansh , but the baby is still gussa with me .. Ask him talk to me " she pouted making him chuckles ....

He kissed her forehead ..

ℝ𝙸𝔸𝙽𝚂𝙷 𝔸𝙳𝙳𝙸𝙲𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽 ~ 𝑂𝑆 || ✓Where stories live. Discover now