The special friend ! ..

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P.S. : This is a RraHel One Shot ...

Award Function put his end , Rrahul with Best Actor Award and Helly with Best Actress Award ..

Rrahul was the most happiest person today , it was his first sole Award .. But the only think he wished was ...

Wish he can show this to his mother .. Atlast he's successful actor.. But Alas !!..

Rrahul look up , with teary eyes and sadly smiled .. when he felt someone's hand wiping his tears ...

" This stupid tears , Don't need to be here !!.. " Helly passed the most beautiful smile .. which he can't resist ..

" I'm happy Helly , but sad too , wish Ma.. " he stopped as he remember the every moment , he spend with her ..

" Rrahul , treat Nahi doge mujhe , you promised na , if you won !!.. " he chuckled , at her excitement .. " Arre , but it's too late now .. " she look at his wrist watch which indicates 11 past 30 ..

" So what , let's go my flat .. I will cook for you .. " Rrahul , gripped her wrist .. when he heard ..

" You will cook !!!.. Rrahul , do you know cooking " Helly doubtfully examined him ..

" Yes , you don't know the hidden cook in me .. " with this he drag her with him ..


Few minutes later ..

RraHel reach his flat which is messed up .. Helly was too shock react .. Whole drawing room was ruined ..

" Look like someone robbed here .. " Rrahul gave a sheepish smile .. at her comment ..

" Don't worry , I can clean this up .. you rest in my room !!.. " Rrahul picked handful stuffs ..

" Can I help you ??.. " Helly got to pick something .. when Rrahul stops her ..

" Hellu , just leave this .. you comfort yourself in the bedroom .. I will back soon .. " he pushed her in .. when he remember ...

His bedroom !!.. Oh shit .. It's most horrible .. The room whole is decorated with every type of shirt , pants and what not ..

He immediately ran in , but closed his eyes , looking the bedroom which is not less than a Dustin ..

" For a Award Function .. Itni mehnat .. Whom you wanted to impress !!.. " Riddhima furrowed her brows , squeaking her eyes ..

" Obviously , you !!.. " His whispered wasn't audible to her ..

" Rrahul , you said something ??.. " she point a finger on him ..

" N .. No , and why are you behaving like a typical wife , who doubts on her husband ..!! "

" Yo .. you .. you just leave it .. You go and clean the drawing hall and I , your bedroom .. " she pull her hair in a braid ..

" No ,. No Hellu .. "

" Rrahul just shut up .. and get out .. " with no option , rrahul had to leave the place ..

Time skips ..

RraHel was done with cleaning the room and now , they're exhausted plus starving ..

So for the dinner , They are resting in the kitchen ..

" Rrahul , you definitely know cooking !!.. " still not convinced by his cooking technique ..

" Ok , then tell , what you will cook ??.. " she asked , when Rrahul gave a nods ..

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