Undekha Pyarr !! ... (3)

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" I fucking don't know .. Move your ass up .. I want you here in India in next 48 hours .. that's it , call me when you are at Mumbai airport .. Bye !!!! " he kept the call , before I could even decide something ..

I sighed , This Kabir never listen to me .. How can I breakup my schedule .. But ya Kabir is important .. Obviously ..!!!!!

After all , I'm left with Kabir as my only Friend in India other than Ri .. I softly chuckled ..

Five years , it's almost five years .. I am out of contact her .. but still ..

" How , might be she ??.. Is she safe ??.. Do she moved on , married now ??.. Or .. ( he wiped his tears ) Let this not complete .. I don't want any false hope .. And why to move on me ?? ... At last we are just friends ..

I still remember , when I was pulled off in the Jeep .. Riddhima was crying there .. I just wanted to hug her .. My Riddhima can see now .. She could see me ..

Though I killed those bastard as self defense .. But I shot them , an I don't have any guilt for that .. and so for three years .. I was behind the cell , thankfully Aryan and my other friends was not accused for this crime and was release out ..

And later I found a great friend Kabir !!.. Who always supported me .. With him I started a textile company .. which successfully reached high ..

And last year .. We received huge projects from America .. Which we accepted .. And so from last one year I am here in America .. While Kabir handles the India's one ...

We have a huge industrial there too .. but now it's time to return back .. but don't know why ??.. I just don't want to .. Alas can't .. Oh !! I have to inform Angre and Aryan ..

Hey , you haven't met Angre na ..  He is my personal assistant cum like brother , A loyal and humble ...
But A one in his works so the Aryan is jealous ..

Angre knows every part of work which is always praised by me .. while Aryan gets very angry because of the same , why don't I appreciate him ..

Authors pov ..

" Angre , Angre !! " Vansh shouted from his cabin .. resting his head back ..

" Yes , boss !!.. " Angre stood near him with a stern face .. like always ..

" This file should be check one more time .. And a business flight , we are leaving for .. for Mumbai .. " Vansh turns back not to get weak ..

" Done Boss !!.. " he left , btw truly he is man of few words ..

Taking the file with him .. Angre was about to reach his desk when someone blocked his way ..

" What now ??.. " Angre rolled his , all the time why , just why ??.   it's habitual now .. why just this guy disturb him ...

" What Bhai gave ?? Let me read too. " Aryan tried to steal the file , but couldn't ..

" Boss , gave this to me .. So try next time .. " Angre glared him the last time , and left ..

" Why Bhai give the every project him .. " he grit his teeths and left from there sighing ..

After one day ..

Vansh with Angre and Aryan reach the Mumbai .. Vansh could get all the flashes of past , by just stepping out ..

Vansh's pov ..

So atlast .. we ate here in Mumbai .. This mumbai have my all bad and .. good ?? Naah the best ..

Every part I live , breath with her are most precious which I will just can't brush off ... I hope you are fine Sweetheart ♥️ ..

ℝ𝙸𝔸𝙽𝚂𝙷 𝔸𝙳𝙳𝙸𝙲𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽 ~ 𝑂𝑆 || ✓Where stories live. Discover now